Scansion Notes
Latin 3 Scansion Notes
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scan·sion (skăn'shən) pronunciation n.
Analysis of verse into metrical patterns.
[Late Latin scānsiō, scānsiōn-, from Latin, act of climbing, from scānsus, past participle of scandere, to climb.]
Dactylic Hexameter
- 6 feet to a line
- 2 types of feet
- Dactyl (long, short, short [_⌣⌣])'
- Spondee (long, long)
- 5th Foot always Dactyl
- 6th Foot always a Spondee
Syllable long if:
- vowel followed by 2 consonants (non-vowels)
- if the 2nd of the 2 consonants are liquid (a "l" or "r") the poet has a choice long or short
- diphthongs (2 vowels which make 1 sound) [ae] [ou]
- Naturally Long
- Indicated in Text
- Ablative Absolute
- Ablative Plural
When a word ends in a vowel (or vowel + "m") and the next word begins with a vowel (or "h" + vowel) then the first syllable (end of the word) drops out
Need to scan in --ThePlaz 21:45, 24 May 2007 (EDT)