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Teckcasts (formally teckcasts.com) is a podcast network I tried with Tecker 911, w3life, and SJ Techzone. It was started in June 2007; soon after the site was launched W3life and SJ Techzone put shows out very intermittently, or ceased production. In the end, the site was only Tecker 911 and had a max of 6 subscribers.

I originally thought new podcasts might want to join, but no one ever asked. I also wanted to require shows to put a mention for Teckcasts - but I never did that - so the network had no publicity.

The website used to run Drupal, but I converted it into a static site in Auguest 2008. I did this to remove all of the extra code and security vulnerabilities since I was not updating the site. The feed was created using Yahoo! Pipes and Feedburner

Teckcasts more or less failed. On 6/20/2009, I shut the site down to save on domain fees.

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