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Old ThePlaz Updates from the top of the [[Main Page]].  Personal Updates are now available as an RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates
Old Personal Updates from the top of the [[Main Page]].  Personal Updates are like a blog where I give updates on what is going on in my life.  Personal Updates are also available as an RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates
==5/20/2007 Personal Message==
Just got back from [http://montymadness.org Monty Madness] with our [[Team 484|robotics club]].  We came in 8th in the seeding rounds and wnet up againts alience #1 in the semifinals.  The first time we beat them 140 to 23, the highest score at the competition.  But #1's defense was too much for us, and they eliminated us.
:''See [[Personal Updates/2013]]''
===1/7/2013 Winter Personal Update===
===2/7/2013 IAP Personal Update===
:''See [[Personal Updates/2013/Two]]''
===5/28/2013 MIT Retrospective===
===8/25/2013 Yahoo APM!===
I also got to ride a [http://segway.com Segway] with founder's Dean Kamen's brother or cousin (sorry, I forget) (he looked just like Dean).  It feels really weird.  You only need to shift your balance, not lean, to move.  It was hard to get the hang of, because you want to pull back to stop, but you only need to shift your balance (or just even think "stop")
:''See [[Personal Updates/2012]]''
===2/5/2012 IAP Personal Update===
===7/23/2012 Summer Personal Update===
===9/9/2012 Back to School Personal Update===
I now have about 5,000 of my photos on [http://flickr.com/photos/theplaz Flickr]. All are freely reusable under the [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5] license.  I have also added a script which displays 3 random photos from my collection each time a page on ThePlaz.com loads.  For some reason, it is only showing the ones from the cruse I took.  I must find out why it is only showing these.
:''See [[Personal Updates/2011]]''
===11/23/2011 Thanksgiving Personal Update===
===6/26/2011 Mega Personal Update Summer back to January===
I took the [[wp:Advanced Placement Program|AP]] [[Macro Econ]] exam.  Two of the the three open ended question were about things I wasn't too sure about.  All of the practice questions I had seen seemed to be more based on stuff I was more sure of.  I confused the discount and federal funds rate, and international economics always make my head spin.  On both practice tests I took I got 50 out of 60 on the multiple choice section.  Hopefully I got the same.  60 questions always make you tired and cranky, but I answered them as best as I could.  I think I got either a 4 or a 5.  Hopefully I got a 5, but I don't know how this test breaks down in regards to scoring.
:''See [[Personal Updates/2010]]''
===12/22/2010 Personal Update Fall 2010===
Also, I just re-discovered Pandora, a personal online music station. [http://www.pandora.com/?sc=sh214746333290260085 This is the station I'm listening to now.]  Pandora has categorized each song in over 140 categories and offers very good recommendations.
===9/10/2010 Personal Update Back from Germany===
Happy May
===5/24/2010 Personal Update from Freshmen Spring Semester at MIT===
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 20:25, 20 May 2007 (EDT)
===1/25/2010 Personal Update: Back from China===
==5/7/2007 Personal Message==
I recently installed [http://www.danga.com/memcached/ Memcached] on ThePlaz.com wiki.  I'm seeing a massive speed increase in page generation times.  The homepage use to take 50 seconds to load, other pages generated in about 10 seconds.  This was unacceptable.  Now with Memcached I see about 4 seconds the first time a page is generated and then about a second for subsequent page loads.  This big increase is because Memcached stores common database (MySQL) queries on the server and can retrieve them much faster then the database.  Hopefully this will make ThePlaz.com more usable.
:''See [[Personal Updates/2009]]''
===12/18/2009 Lesson Learned and Embracing Scholarship: End of the First Semester at MIT===
I purchased a [http://flickr.com/photos/theplaz Flickr] pro account a month ago and have uploaded over 3,000 photos so far from my back collection.  All are freely reusable under the [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5] license.  I have also added a script which displays 3 random photos from my collection each time a page on ThePlaz.com loads.
===10/11/2009 ThePlaz.com Update from MIT===
More [[Tecker 911]] episodes should be out soon.  Meanwhile enjoy [http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 Episode 10: LAN Party] and [http://911.tecker.net/?p=51 Episode 11: Windows Vista].
===8/21/2009 ThePlaz.com Roundup Summer 2009 Edition===
[[Tecker]] [http://tecker.net] now has email alerts.  Sign up at the social question and answer service for technology.  A brand new addition to Tecker is coming soon (it even has it's own domain!)
===6/9/2009 ThePlaz Roundup===
Version 1.3 of [[SeniorQuoter]] [http://seniorquoter.org/?q=node/13] is now out.  We added character limits and terms and conditions.  Check it out, it's open-source GPL software from ThePlaz.
===5/19/2009 ThePlaz.com Roundup===
Happy spring!
:''See [[Personal Updates/2008]]''
===12/17/2008 State of ThePlaz (Michael Plasmeier)===
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 19:33, 7 May 2007 (EDT)
===9/14/2008 State of ThePlaz (Michael Plasmeier)===
==3/30/2007 Personal Message - Spring Break==
===6/30/2008 Personal Message===
I'm witting this in a hotel in Miami.  On Sunday I will leave for a Western Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Valor.  It's 76F outside and sunny.  This is going to be a fun trip.  I'll post pictures when I get back.  Have fun on your spring break wherever it is.  Havertown is still lots of fun and I know some of my friends are in Europe.
We ([[Team 484]]) didn't do so well in Annapolis at the regional.  We came in 26th out of about 55 teams.  We weren't picked for the finals, but were last in the "dog pond." See more at [[Team 484#Annapolis Regional]].
===5/18/2008 Personal Message===
The Drexel robotics regional is ongoing now.  I was only there for the set up and practice day, but we did very well that day.  We were the first to be inspected and all practices went very well.
===2/28/2008 Personal Update===
[[Tecker 911]] [http://911.tecker.net/?p=48 Episode 9: MLA Formatting] is out and features my [[:Image:MLA Paper.dot|MLA Template]].  More episodes are in the can, and are coming soon.
===1/6/2008 Personal Message===
Everything going well.  I'll ve back in a week with pictures.
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 17:59, 30 March 2007 (EDT)
:''See [[Personal Updates/2007]]''
===12/4/2007 Personal Message===
==3/13/2007 Personal Update==
===10/6/2007 Personal Message===
ThePlaz.com's traffic has been growing.  We now receive about ~1,400 visits and ~4,000 page views a week.  80% of that is from Google.  MediaWiki reports 71,943 page views, and 6,021 edits on [[Special:Statistics]].
[[Tecker]] (http://tecker.net) the social question and answer service aimed at tech users is continuing to do really well.  We are expanding slowly; we have about 60 users now.  We just added advertisements to Tecker and [[Tecker 911]], both network and featured (direct, no network).  As always stay tuned at our development blog at http://blog.tecker.net/.  We are just putting finishing touches on the page with recent answers.
===8/10/2007 Personal Message===
The Tecker derivative, [[Conflicter]] (http://conflicter.org) is not doing well.  Conflicter is a place for frank discussions on global issues.  I finally opened it to the public, but no one knows about it.  Maybe activity will pick up.
===6/19/2007 Personal Message===
[[Tecker 911]], the video technology help webcast is coming along nicely.  The first 8 episodes are up at http://911.tecker.net and have been aired on [[Channel 11]] in Haverford Township.  7 more episodes are in the can, I need to edit 5 of them.  Each one takes approximately 2-3 hours to edit, so it always takes a while.
===5/20/2007 Personal Message===
The first semester classes are all up online and organized at ThePlaz.com.  I'm a month into 2nd semester and online postings are really behind.  I am also working on posting some other things, which were not required for school.
===5/7/2007 Personal Message===
Last time I wrote, the build season for our [http://usfirst.org FIRST] robotics club, [[Team 484]] started recently.  Now it's over.  After putting in about 4 nights a week for 6 weeks our robot is done and shipped.  The Chesapeake Regional competition is this weekend.  We leave tomorrow for it.  I will try and get pictures and a report up when I come back.
===3/30/2007 Personal Message - Spring Break===
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 20:32, 13 March 2007 (EDT)
===3/13/2007 Personal Update===
Personal Updates are now available as an RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates
===1/10/2007 Personal Message===
==1/10/2007 Personal Message==
Jeeze.  It's really been a while.  Two months instead of the normal one month intervals. 
:''See [[Personal Updates/2006]]''
I had a good holiday break, and got lots done.  In the past two months, we recorded 15,000 page views  and added about 1,000 pieces of content.  See [[Special:Statistics|MediaWiki]]
===11/24/06 Update===
[[Tecker]] (http://tecker.net) the social question and answer service aimed at tech users is doing really well.  We are expanding small, we have about 50 users now.  We were featured on [http://www.twit.tv/node/4780 net@nite episode 8].  net@nite is a weekly call-in show about new technology websites ("Web 2.0") hosted by TechTV's Leo Laporte.  net@nite is part of the [http://twit.tv TWiT] podcast network.  The TWiT podcast was recently rated as #9 on TIME's top podcast list [http://www.time.com/time/topten/2006/podcasts/09.html].  As always stay tuned at our development blog at http://blog.tecker.net/.
===10/22/06 Update===
I am also creating a new derivative, [[Conflicter]] (http://conflicter.org).  Conflicter is a place for frank discussions on global issues.  This is being done in conjunction with my [[Cultures Project]].  The site has languished, but I will finish it eventually.
===10/3/2006 Update===
[[Tecker 911]], the video technology help webcast is coming along nicly.  The first 4 episodes are up at http://911.tecker.net and are starting to be aired on [[Channel 11]] in Haverford Township.  The show is coming along nicely, now I just need to find the time to edit three more episodes already filmed and edit the unboxing of my new cameraphone.
===9/13/2006 Back to School Update===
Speaking of busy, I am really swamped.  End of the semester is comming up at the end of the year and that means all of the teachers are dumping work on us, finals to study for, and final projects to do.  See my groups paper on [[World Cultures Comparison Project/Paper|Globalization]].  The [[World Cultures]] [[:Category:World Cultures Portfolio|Portfolio]] also is a nightmare of work.
===8/29/2006 Back to School Update===
In addition, the build season for our [http://usfirst.org FIRST] robotics club, [[Team 484]] started recently.  That is three nights I week.  Well, I guess I will make it.
===8/5/2006 Update===
PS.  I don't know what happened to the photo section.  I think it kinda died.  Sorry.  I think I will take it off the homepage now ;)
===6/14/2006 End of the Year! Update===
My friend (and [[Tecker]] partner), [[Michael Gdovin]], has launched his business, [[w3life]] (http://w3life.com) and his personal website [[Gdovin.net]] (http://gdovin.net) two months ago.  Not much has happened, but check it out.
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 22:39, 10 January 2007 (EST)
==11/24/06 Update==
Its been a while since I last updated this section.  Happy Thanksgiving.  In the last month, I have doubled the amount of content on this site to over 1,000 content pages.  There have been around 30,000 pages views recorded by [[Special:Statistics|MediaWiki]]. 
Today (Black Friday) I bought [[Photoshop Elements]] for half price.  Now I need to figure out how to use it!  Best Buy was busy!
My PHP project, [[Tecker]] (http://tecker.net) is is open to the public and doing well.  I am still actively adding features; stay tuned at our development blog at http://blog.tecker.net/.  Tecker is a social question and answer service aimed at tech users. 
I am also creating a new derivative, [[Conflicter]] (http://conflicter.org).  Conflicter is a place for frank discussions on global issues.  This is being done in conjunction with my [[Cultures Project]].
[[Tecker 911]], the video technology help webcast is coming along.  I am done the intro, and we have filmed the first 3 episodes.  Now I need to edit and post them to the website http://911.tecker.net.  I am still developing a work flow to speed the process and correct the video colors.  Stay tuned to the above site for more details and to subscribe.
My friend (and [[Tecker]] partner), [[Michael Gdovin]], has launched his business, [[w3life]] (http://w3life.com) and his personal website [[Gdovin.net]] (http://gdovin.net).  Check it out.
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 22:22, 24 November 2006 (EST)
==10/22/06 Update==
How's it going.  I've joined [http://facebook.com Facebook] and I'm addicted.  [https://register.facebook.com/r.php?invid=1464390298&key=4bf7500f1c&a=1 Friend me!] My PHP project, [[Tecker]] (http://tecker.net) is coming along well.  It's a social question and answer service aimed at tech users.  We'll be opening it up to the public on Halloween (October 31, 2006).  Meanwhile, follow along in our development blog at http://blog.tecker.net/. 
My friend (and [[Tecker]] partner), [[Michael Gdovin]], is launching his business, [[w3life]] (http://w3life.com) and his personal website [[Gdovin.net]] (http://gdovin.net) in the next few days.
I just finished with the PSATs.  I think I did OK, but am glad it's over.  I hope we won't be doing that muti-camera thing on [[H-Vision]] anymore.  Plus, we got a better switcher on order.
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 12:41, 22 October 2006 (EDT)
==10/3/2006 Update==
I've been busy with [[10th Grade]]!  I have been posting literally everything.  It's like 30-45 minutes extra work every night.  I don't know if I can keep it up????  What do you think?  Is this info helpful to you.  Drop me a line (see below).  I have been also been very busy developing my PHP project, [[Tecker]] http://tecker.net.  It's a social question and answer service aimed at tech users.  Follow along in our development blog at http://blog.tecker.net/.  I will keep you posted there. Tecker is coming along quite nicely.  We'll start letting people in after Halloween.
Thanks everyone for you positive response to last Friday's H-Vision.  I know the sound wasn't loud enough (this was the first week I didn't do sound), but I've talked to the lady in charge of that.  It should be better next week.  Speaking of next week, I'm anchoring again...so be sure to pay attention.  Plus, I've got Sophomore homeroom photos video up.  Unfortuntly, I don't know if I can post it online for privacy issues.
[[Haverford Robotics Club|Robotics Club]] has started and I'm selling candy as a fund raiser.  Stop by and see me if you want candy (for only a dollar).
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 18:29, 3 October 2006 (EDT)
==9/13/2006 Back to School Update==
I've been busy with [[10th Grade]]!  I have been posting literally everything.  It's like 30-45 minutes extra work every night.  I don't know if I can keep it up????  What do you think?  Is this info helpful to you.  Drop me a line (see below).  I have been also been very busy reading my PHP book in preparation for [[Tecker]] http://tecker.net.  Read our development blog at http://blog.tecker.net/.  I will keep you posted there.  More info to come soon.
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 22:28, September 13, 2006 (EDT)
==8/29/2006 Back to School Update==
Sorry, again, for the drought of updates to my site.  I went about a month without making major changes and additions.  I added 2 photo collections from my trip to [[wp:Germany|Germany]] and worked a bit around the web.  The new skin hit some road blocks and the project is postponed.  If any CSS wizards can get the "NavLinks" div to display to the left of the logo on [http://beta.theplaz.com my beta site.]  The dropdowns still don't work in Internet Explorer, just get [http://getfirefox.com Firefox], and get yourself a better, safer browser.  I am most likely not going to scan all my papers from my [[9th Grade]] binders.  I might still add some more pictures from my trip, especially my excursions to [[wp:Paris|Paris]] and [[wp:Berlin|Berlin]].
Well [[10th Grade]] starts next week.  I am almost done my summer reading.  ''The Poisonwood Bible'' is ''looong'' and seems to go on ''fooorevverr!!!''.  I am getting my papers together, and getting ready to go back.  My [[Image:10th Grade Schedule.xls|10th Grade Schedule]] is now up online.  And don't worry, I will be posting all the info right here at '''ThePlaz.com'''
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 18:49, 29 August 2006 (EDT)
==8/5/2006 Update==
Sorry for the drought of updates to my site.  I went about 2 months without making a change.  Sorry.  When school let out I worked on the site technically, adding the dropdowns (Now working in [http://getfirefox.com Firefox], still not working  (yet) on Internet Explorer)  After that I went to [[wp:Germany|Germany]] for 5 weeks on vacation, and there was no internet access for most of the time I was there.  Plus there were lots of other things that I was involved in.  I just got back a few days ago, and I updated the site to MediaWiki 1.7.1 today. 
Don't worry, I haven forgotten about the new skin.  Check out [http://beta.theplaz.com my beta site] to see how it is coming along.  I don't know if I will scan all my papers from my [[9th Grade]] binders.  I might decide not to do all that.  I might also decide to add some pictures from my trip, especially my excursions to [[wp:Paris|Paris]] and [[wp:Berlin|Berlin]]. I am also planning to add some to [[wp:Wikipedia|Wikipedia]].  I already put up lots of photos already of the German [[wp:Reichstag (building)|Reichstag]] in Berlin to the [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Reichstag Wikimedia Commons].  (See all my contributions to the Commons [http://tools.wikimedia.de/~daniel/WikiSense/Gallery.php?&wiki=commons.wikimedia.org&img_user_text=Michael180 here])
So that's that.  Tell me what you want to see.  ''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 21:46, 5 August 2006 (EDT)
==6/14/2006 End of the Year! Update==
What a great year it has been.  It was my first year in [[HHS|high school]], and I was busy adjusting to that.  I really grew as a person, and found out more about my role and position in life.  This was also the year I launched my website, 4 months ago now, I guess!  To all of my friends and peers at school, THANK YOU.  And a special thank you to those who helped me work on group projects, and had their work posted here, an even bigger THANK YOU.  Even though I might not have always listened to your suggestions, you made me realize that I must do so in the future. 
So, as I go now to study for my [[IAG 2H|Math]] final, I want to leave you with what I will be working on over the summer.  I am going away for a month to visit my family, but I will still have time to work on this site.  I will finally add those drop-down menus at the top of the page I have been working on for months.  My more ambitious plan is to totally re-work the "skin" or look of the site, making it more whimsical, with rounded edges (in [http://www.firefox.com Firefox]) and Nuvola icons.  Something like what the [[Main Page]] currently looks like.  I also plan on increasing traffic to my site.  Thank you to everyone who helped me. --[[User:ThePlaz|Plaz]] 19:11, 14 June 2006 (EDT)

Latest revision as of 07:08, 25 August 2013

Old Personal Updates from the top of the Main Page. Personal Updates are like a blog where I give updates on what is going on in my life. Personal Updates are also available as an RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates



See Personal Updates/2013

1/7/2013 Winter Personal Update

2/7/2013 IAP Personal Update

See Personal Updates/2013/Two

5/28/2013 MIT Retrospective

8/25/2013 Yahoo APM!


See Personal Updates/2012

2/5/2012 IAP Personal Update

7/23/2012 Summer Personal Update

9/9/2012 Back to School Personal Update


See Personal Updates/2011

11/23/2011 Thanksgiving Personal Update

6/26/2011 Mega Personal Update Summer back to January


See Personal Updates/2010

12/22/2010 Personal Update Fall 2010

9/10/2010 Personal Update Back from Germany

5/24/2010 Personal Update from Freshmen Spring Semester at MIT

1/25/2010 Personal Update: Back from China


See Personal Updates/2009

12/18/2009 Lesson Learned and Embracing Scholarship: End of the First Semester at MIT

10/11/2009 ThePlaz.com Update from MIT

8/21/2009 ThePlaz.com Roundup Summer 2009 Edition

6/9/2009 ThePlaz Roundup

5/19/2009 ThePlaz.com Roundup


See Personal Updates/2008

12/17/2008 State of ThePlaz (Michael Plasmeier)

9/14/2008 State of ThePlaz (Michael Plasmeier)

6/30/2008 Personal Message

5/18/2008 Personal Message

2/28/2008 Personal Update

1/6/2008 Personal Message


See Personal Updates/2007

12/4/2007 Personal Message

10/6/2007 Personal Message

8/10/2007 Personal Message

6/19/2007 Personal Message

5/20/2007 Personal Message

5/7/2007 Personal Message

3/30/2007 Personal Message - Spring Break

3/13/2007 Personal Update

1/10/2007 Personal Message


See Personal Updates/2006

11/24/06 Update

10/22/06 Update

10/3/2006 Update

9/13/2006 Back to School Update

8/29/2006 Back to School Update

8/5/2006 Update

6/14/2006 End of the Year! Update