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(Questions: answer all of the questions)
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Black - their landlord past, writting the letter, and the fact that they were searched many times
Black - their landlord past, writting the letter, and the fact that they were searched many times supports the fact that they were not considered red
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3. What is Ji-Li's father detained for?
3. What is Ji-Li's father detained by his work unit for?
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5. The Good Fortune Photo Shop is renamed to:?
5. What is the Good Fortune Photo Shop is renamed to?
:a. The Proletarian Photo Shop
:a. The Proletarian Photo Shop
:b. The Photo Shop n' Snap
:b. The Photo Shop n' Snap
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During China's communist era, land owners were looked down upon.  In fact any rich people were persecuted because having money and wealth was the opposite of communism.  One of communism’s central ideas is to spread around the wealth equally to all of the people.  Wealthy people were assumed to have exploited the heavy labors of the working class for their own personal gains.  Wealth and riches just didn't fit in well with communism ideals.  In addition, the wealthy could organize and attempt to overthrow Chairman Mao.  That, however, must be avoided at all costs!weatly could
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Ji-Li could not renounce her family because she loved them too much.  Her love and dedication for them prevents her from changing her name.  She knows that if she is still associated with the “Half-City Jiangs” her possible political career will go up in smoke.  This is confirmed when she is replaced from the Class Exhibition for not cooperation (228).  In addition, Ji-Li does not want to testify against her father because she honestly believes her father did nothing wrong (226).  Her family did go along with the revolution by getting rid of four-olds, but was still persecuted.
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Much later after the Cultural Revolution ended, it was revealed that the entire Cultural Revolution was just a big ploy by Mao Zedong to stay in power.  In addition, the raids, especially in Ji-Li’s town were just ridiculous.  The Cultural Revolution seemed pretty successful in removing four-olds from society.  Tragically, Mao managed to erase much of China’s rich history to protect the superiority of socialism as it was failing.
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The students who previously floundered along in school became the leaders of the Red Guard.  They discover power and influence.  They finally can feel as if they are doing something right.  This angers Ji-Li who previously tutored some of these students.  They are now turning on her exposing her “black” class status.  Before they were denied and put down, but now they are using that anger of oppression to get back at Ji-Li.
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At the end of the book, Ji-Li’s life is very different then it was when she started.  She has aged a few years but lost a lot.  Her hopes of a big political career get carried away by the Red Guards, along with most of her family’s positions and wealth.  By the end of the book Ji-Li is left will little more then a few sticks of furniture.    Her memories, heirlooms, and cultures were swept away by insatiable quest to eradicate four-olds in the guise of making a strong socialist state.

Revision as of 01:55, 19 October 2006

An English 10 SSR Project

Nuvola apps important.png Only a DRAFT!

May change/be updated - still in progress - may still contain inaccuracies

(need to scan directions --Plaz 20:54, 9 October 2006 (EDT))

Answers.gif Answers.com

Red Scarf Girl Cover.jpg Amazon.com

Red Scarf Girl Cover.jpg



Glorious Cultural Revolution

  • Occurs on page 1 and throughout the book
  • "We thanked heaven that Chairman Mao had started this Cultural Revolution, and that the Central Committee of the Communist Party had uncovered this mess in our schools." Ji-Li, page 38

Answers.gif Answers.com


  • Occurs on page 1 and throughout the book
  • "We thanked heaven that Chairman Mao had started this cultural revolution, and that the Central Committee of the Communist Party had uncovered this mess in our schools." Ji-Li, page 38

Answers.gif Answers.com

Chairman Mao

  • Occurs on page 3 and throughout the book
  • "Anyone who sees Chairman Mao is the happiest person in the world." Chinese saying, page 107

Answers.gif Answers.com

Red Guards

  • Occurs on page 133 and throughout the book
  • "The Red Guards are going to search your home in passing!" Six-Fingers, page 133

Answers.gif Answers.com

Young Pioneers

  • Occurs on page 3 and throughout the book
  • "We are the Young Pioneers, successors to Communism. Our red scarves flutter on our chest." Young Pioneer Song, page 3

Answers.gif Answers.com


  • Occurs on page 9 and throughout the book
  • "I was an Outstanding Student, an Excellent Young Pioneer, and even the da-dui-zhang,' the student chairman of the whole school." Ji-Li, page 9

Answers.gif Answers.com

Zeno's Paradox

  • Occurs on page 13
  • "... [Dad] explained Zeno's paradox and the infinite series. We thought Dad kenw everything." Ji-Li, page 13

Answers.gif Answers.com

salon (party)

  • Occurs on page 16
  • "They called these meeting Jiang's salon." Ji-Li, page 16

Answers.gif Answers.com


  • Occurs on page 30
  • "What's more is that they are detrimental to the revolution, so we must oppose them resolutely." Red Guard, page 30

Answers.gif Answers.com


  • Occurs on page 39 and throughout the book
  • "All students were directed instead to participate in the movemewnt by writting big posters, da-zi-bao, criticizing the eductaional system." Ji-Li, page 38

Answers.gif Answers.com

Ménière's disease

  • Occurs on page 180
  • "She was having an attack of Ménière's disease." Ji-Li, page 180

Answers.gif Answers.com


  • Occurs on page 84
  • "They said she had hundreds of thousands of yuan in the bank." Ji-Li, page 84

Answers.gif Answers.com


Ji-Li Jiang survived red China's Glorious Cultural Revolution; possibly Chairman Mao's biggest mistake. Ji-Li's world is turned upside down by the insatiable quest of her peers to eradicate the four-olds from society. Old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits are holding back China from its strong socialist future. Pants with legs narrower than 9 inches were just cut off on the streets. Pointed shoes were considered taboo. The Good Fortune Photo Studio was too èlite; it was renamed the Proletarian Photo Studio. Profit making and capitalism were strictly forbidden and frowned upon. Ji-Li suffers because her grandpa was a landowner. Land owners were seen as exploitative of the lower class. For 12 years, Ji-Li lived a comfortable life in a mid-sized apartment. But now, any inequality in wealth between people must be removed. Ji-Li is forced to avoid her somewhat-affluent past. Ji-Li's father and mother fire their servant, burn their decorative clothes, and repaint their mahogany furniture. They know that the Red Guards are on the patrol for rouge citizens who do not remold their ideologies and extinguish their former wealth.

Ironically, the guards leading the way are no other then Ji-Li's peers. Those that did not do well at school, now discover their power as members of the Young Pioneers. Ji-Li, a straight honor student, must cope with the reversal of power in the classroom. The students rebel against the teachers, driving them out of school and eroding the typical respect they had for their elders. They even go as far as accusing the teachers of poisoning their minds. For example, they had corrupted a young revolutionary by buying him bread when he did not have a lunch. Ji-Li, as an honor student, is saddened and tries to support the teachers. Her position is frowned upon by her friends. But when the students accuse her of a relationship with a male teacher, Ji-Li fears for her personal safety, and tries to distance herself from the rest of the group, leaving her open to even more accusations of being a counterrevolutionary.

Being a counterrevolutionary was dealt with very harshly and fiercely during Ji-Li's time. Groups of people went around ransacking homes and searching people in the streets to try and find any evidence of resisting Chairman Mao and his cultural revolution. Unfortunately, there were not actually very many people plotting against the government, if any in Ji-Li's town. Therefore they accuse people of treason for even the smallest of crimes. A trash man is arrested for accidentally tearing a picture of Chairman Mao while removing scrap papers.

Ji-Li's life is also made hard because she has landlord grandparents. The Red Guards want Ji-Li to break all ties with her family and become a new person. Ji-Li is torn between the family she loves and her future in politics. The decision is easy for some students in her class. But when Ji-Li's father is arrested for interrogation, Ji-Li must make the big decision affecting her entire future. Does she renounce and accuse her father of crimes that he did not commit, or should she seal her fate as a counterrevolutionary forever, thereby subjecting her to forced labor and "study" sessions for the rest of her life?

Self Reminders

  • spell check
  • bold vocab word in sentence
  • add vocab practice


1. Who has a crush on Ji-Li?

2. Is Ji'Ji's family black, neutral, or red?

3. What is Ji-Li's father detained by his work unit for?

4. What is the name of the Jiang's former housekeeper?

5. What is the Good Fortune Photo Shop is renamed to?

a. The Proletarian Photo Shop
b. The Photo Shop n' Snap
c. The Bourgeois Photo Store
d. Ritz Cameras

6. Why were land owners looked down upon?

7. Why did Ji-Li not break with her family and insure her future.

8. What were some of the differences between what the Cultural Revoultion was suppose to do and what it did?

9. Why did the non-studious students rise to control in the Red Guard?

10. At the end of the book, how has Ji-Li changed?