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16.71J The Airline Industry is a Course 16 Areo/Astro class I took at MIT as a Sophomore fall semester. The class "code shared" as 15.054/1.232J/ESD.217J, and since I took it for my management degree, a Business elective. The class had many professors: P. P. Belobaba, A. I. Barnett, C. Barnhart, R. J. Hansman, T. A. Kochan, A. R. Odoni, but Prof. Belobaba led.

Open Course Ware from 2006

Class website: http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/15/fa10/15.054J/ (Restricted)

This class was mostly lecture with the lecture notes being the largest source of information. The textbook was written by the professors and is largly the presentations in written form.
