Difference between revisions of "Template:Main Page:World Cultures"

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(add 3 days and sub headings)
(move basics, africa, and middle east to their own seperate pages and change portfoilo section)
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<small>Note to self: sort by and categorize by unit</small>
<small>(introduction, foundations, and region-less work from the beginning of the year.)</small>
:'''''See [[:Category:World Cultures Basics]]'''''
:'''''See [[:Category:World Cultures Africa]]'''''
=====Middle East=====
:'''''See [[:Category:World Cultures Middle East]]'''''
:'''''See [[:Category:World Cultures Portfolio]]'''''
*[[:Image:HDI vs Population.JPG|HDI vs Population Graph]], [[HDI Graph Reflections|Reflection]]
*[[World Cultures Portfolio/Africa|Africa Decolonization Report]]
*[[World Cultures Portfolio/Middle East|Middle East Population Density Report]]
*[[Middle East Essay|Middle East Essay]]
*[[:Category:World Cultures Portfolio|Portfolio]]
[[:Category:World Cultures Comparison Project|Comparisons Project]]
**[[:Image:HDI vs Population.JPG|HDI vs Population Graph]], [[HDI Graph Reflections|Reflection]]
=====Notebook: South Asia=====
**[[World Cultures Portfolio/Africa|Africa Decolonization Report]]
:'''''See [[:Category:World Cultures South Asia]]'''''
**[[World Cultures Portfolio/Middle East|Middle East Population Density Report]]
**[[Middle East Essay|Middle East Essay]]
*[[World Cultures News Articles]]
*[[:Category:Pitts Article|Pitts Article]]
*[[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie Notes Page 1.JPG|Cry Freedom Movie Notes]], [[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie Notes Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie Notes Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie Notes Page 5.JPG|Page 5]], [[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie Notes Page 6.JPG|Page 6]]
*[[:Image:Religion Path Page 1.png|The Intertwined Path of Western Religions]], [[:Image:Religion Path Page 2.png|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Sharia Rough Notes Page 1.JPG|Rough Sharia Notes]], [[:Image:Sharia Rough Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Ultra-Orthdox Basics Page 1.JPG|Ultra-Orthodox Basics]], [[:Image:Ultra-Orthdox Basics Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Untouchable Video Notes.JPG|Untouchables Video Notes]]
*[[:Image:World Cultures Syllabus.JPG|Page 1 - Syllabus]]
*[[:Image:Historigraphy_Perspectives.JPG|Page 5 - Historigraphy Perspectives]]
*[[:Image:How to Gloss.JPG|Page 6 - How to Gloss]]
*[[:Image:China AIDS.JPG|Page 7 - China AIDS Article]]
*[[:Image:Gottlieb Article.JPG|Page 8 - "Humility, not Arrogance will help us after 9/11"]]
*[[:Image:9-11 The Path Not Taken.JPG|Page 9 - 9/11 The Path Not Taken]]
*[[:Image:Malsow Pyrmid of Needs.JPG|Page 9b - Malsow's Pyramid of Needs]]
*[[:Image:Circle Disscussion Page 1.JPG|Page 10 - Circle Disscussion]], [[:Image:Circle Disscussion Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Circle Disscussion Page 3.JPG|Page 3]]
*[[:Image:Pitts Page 1.JPG|Pitts Article]], [[:Image:Pitts Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Pitts Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Pitts Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Pitts Page 5.JPG|Page 5]], [[:Image:Pitts Page 6.JPG|Page 6]], [[:Image:12 - Pitts Article Response - Out of Date.doc|Response - "Out of Date"]]
*[[:Image:Culture Notes.JPG|Page 13 - Culture Notes]]
*[[:Image:Temp_Marriges.JPG|Page 14 - Temporary Marriages]]
*[[:Image:Pitt Circle Disscussion.JPG|Page 16 - Pitts Article Circle Disscussion]], [[:Image:Pitt Circle Disscussion Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Pitt Circle Disscussion Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Pitt Circle Disscussion Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Pitt Circle Disscussion Page 5.JPG|Page 5]], [[:Image:Pitt Circle Disscussion Page 6.JPG|Page 6]]
*[[:Image:Shape of Africa Article Page 1.JPG|Page 18 - The Shape of Africa Article]], [[:Image:Shape of Africa Article Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Shape of Africa Article Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Shape of Africa Article Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Shape of Africa Article Page 5.JPG|Page 5]]
*[[:Image:African Kingdoms Map.JPG|Page 19 - African Kingdoms Map]]
*[[:Image:Guns, Germs, and Steel Video Notes Page 1.JPG|Page 21 - Guns, Germs, and Steel Video Notes]], [[:Image:Guns, Germs, and Steel Video Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:South Africa Notes Page 1.JPG|Page 22 - South Africa Notes]], [[:Image:South Africa Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:South Africa Notes Page 3.JPG|Page 3]]
*[[:Image:Hajj Polio Article.JPG|Hajj Polio Article]]
*[[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie The Path to a Truth Page 1.JPG|Page 24 - Cry Freedom Movie - The Path to a Truth]], [[:Image:Cry Freedom Movie The Path to a Truth Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Derived Class Truths.JPG|Page 25 - Derived Class Truths from Cry Freedom Movie]]
*[[:Image:Racial Americans Article.JPG|Page 26 - Racial Americans from the point of view of a South African Article]]
*[[:Image:Hutu and Tutsi Notes Page 1.JPG|Page 27 - Hutu and Tutsi Notes]], [[:Image:Hutu and Tutsi Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Hutu and Tutsi Notes Page 3.JPG|Page 3]]
*[[:Image:Rwanda Memorials.JPG|Page 28 - Randa Genocide Memorial Article]]
*[[:Image:Nigerian Textbook Contradiction Page 1.JPG|Page 29 - Nigerian Textbook Contradictions]], [[:Image:Nigerian Textbook Contradiction Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Nigerian Stoning.JPG|Page 30 - Nigerian Stoning Article]]
*[[:Image:Pitts Stoning Responce Article.JPG|Page 31 - Pitts Responds to Nigerian Stoning Trial]]
*[[:Image:Darfur Call to Action Article Page 1.JPG|Page 32 - Darfur Call to Action Article]], [[:Image:Darfur Call to Action Article Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Hotel Rwanda Cartoon Captions Page 1.JPG|Page 33 - Hotel Rwanda Cartoon Captions]], [[:Image:Hotel Rwanda Cartoon Captions Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Zimbabwe 4 POVs Page 1.JPG|Page 34 - Zimbabwe 4 POVs]], [[:Image:Zimbabwe 4 POVs Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Zimbabwe Farmers Hurt Article Page 1.JPG|Page 35 - Zimbabwe Framers Hurt Article]], [[:Image:Zimbabwe Farmers Hurt Article Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Forgotten Wars in Africa Page 1.JPG|Page 36 - Forgotton Ongoing Conflicts in Africa]], [[:Image:Forgotten Wars in Africa Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Bukina Faso Bike Article.JPG|Page 32 - Bukina Faso Bike Article]]
*[[:Image:Botswana AIDS Article.JPG|Page 37 -Botswana AIDS Article]]
*[[:Image:African Articles Connections Page 1.JPG|Page 39 - African Articles Connections]], [[:Image:African Articles Connections Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:African Articles Connections Page 3.JPG|Page 3]]
======Middle East======
*[[:Image:Middle East Political.JPG|Page 40 - Middle East Political Map]], [[:Image:Middle East Geo Notes.JPG|Geo Notes]]
*[[:Image:Portfolio Guidelines.JPG|Page 41 - Portfolio Map Assignments Guidelines]]
*[[:Image:Middle East Water Tower Article Page 1.JPG|Page 42 - Middle East Water Tower Article]], [[:Image:Middle East Water Tower Article Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Religion Circle Discussion Page 1.JPG|Page 44 - Why are we here? Fundamental Questions of Religion Circle Discussion Notes]], [[:Image:Religion Circle Discussion Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Religion Circle Discussion Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Religion Circle Discussion Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Religion Circle Discussion Page 5.JPG|Page 5]]
*[[:Image:Western Religions Chart Page 1.JPG|Page 45 - Western Religions Chart Page 1]], [[:Image:Western Religions Chart Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Christianity Basics Page 1.JPG|Christianity Basics]], [[:Image:Christianity Basics Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Judaism Basics Page 1.JPG|Judaism Basics]], [[:Image:Judaism Basics Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Islam Basics Page 1.JPG|Islam Basics]], [[:Image:Islam Basics Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Creation According to Islam.JPG|The Creation According to Islam]]
*[[:Image:Sharia's Reach Notes Page 1.JPG|Page 46 - Sharia's Reach]], [[:Image:Sharia's Reach Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 1 Instructions.JPG|Page 47 - Middle East History Notes - Instructions]], [[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 5.JPG|Page 5]], [[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 6.JPG|Page 6]], [[:Image:Middle East History Notes Page 7.JPG|Page 7]]
*[[:Image:Arab Isreal Map.JPG|Page 48 - Arab Isreal Map]]
*[[:Image:Arab Isreal Timeline.JPG|Page 49 - Arab Isreal Timeline]]
*[[:Image:Middle Eastern Groups.JPG|Page 50 - Middle Eastern Groups]]
*[[:Image:Failed Peace Chart.JPG|Page 51 - A Failed Peace Chart]]
*[[:Image:Middle East Review Questions Page 1.JPG|Page 52 - Middle East Review Questions]], [[:Image:Middle East Review Questions Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Middle East Cause and Effect Page 1 OPEC.JPG|Page 53 - Middle East Cause and Effect - OPEC]], [[:Image:Middle East Cause and Effect Page 2 Iraq vs Iran.JPG|Iraq vs. Iran]], [[:Image:Middle East Cause and Effect Page 3 Persian Gulf War 1.JPG|Persian Gulf War 1]], [[:Image:Middle East Cause and Effect Page 4 Persian Gulf War 2.JPG|Persian Gulf War 2]]
*[[:Image:Red Textbook Photos Page 1.JPG|Page 54 - Red Textbook Photo Descriptions]], [[:Image:Red Textbook Photos Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Terms Brainstorm Page 1.JPG|Terms Brainstorm]], [[:Image:Terms Brainstorm Page 2.JPG|Page 2]]
======South Asia======
*[[:Image:South Asia Political Map.JPG|Page 56 - South Asia Political Map]], [[:Image:South Asia Geo Notes.JPG|Geo Notes]]
*[[:Image:South Asia Political Map.JPG|Page 56 - South Asia Political Map]], [[:Image:South Asia Geo Notes.JPG|Geo Notes]]
*[[:Image:Middle East Essay Instructions.JPG|Page 57 - Middle East Essay Instructions]], [[:Image:Middle East Essay Rubric.JPG|Rubric]]
*[[:Image:Middle East Essay Instructions.JPG|Page 57 - Middle East Essay Instructions]], [[:Image:Middle East Essay Rubric.JPG|Rubric]]
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*[[:Image:Comparisions Project Instructions.JPG|Page 65 - Comparisons Project Instructions]]
*[[:Image:Comparisions Project Instructions.JPG|Page 65 - Comparisons Project Instructions]]
*[[:Image:Intro Quiz 1 Page 1.JPG|Intro Quiz]], [[:Image:Intro Quiz 1 Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Intro Quiz 1 Page 3.JPG|Page 3]]
See region's page
*[[:Image:Africa Quiz 2 Page 1.JPG|Africa Quiz 2]], [[:Image:Africa Quiz 2 Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Africa Quiz 2 Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Africa Quiz 2 Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Africa Quiz 2 Page 5.JPG|Page 5]], [[:Image:Africa Quiz 2 Page 6.JPG|Page 6]], [[:Image:Running to Stand Still Lyrics.JPG|Running to Stand Still Lyrics]], [[:Image:Newsflash - Thousands died in Africa Yesterday Article.JPG|Newsflash: Thousands died in Africa Yesterday Article]]
*[[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 1 Question.JPG|Africa Assessment - Instructions]], [[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 3.JPG|Page 3]], [[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 4.JPG|Page 4]], [[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 5.JPG|Page 5]], [[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 6.JPG|Page 6]], [[:Image:Africa Assessment Page 7 Map.JPG|Page 7 - Map]]

Revision as of 23:13, 6 December 2006


(introduction, foundations, and region-less work from the beginning of the year.)

See Category:World Cultures Basics
See Category:World Cultures Africa
Middle East
See Category:World Cultures Middle East
See Category:World Cultures Portfolio

Comparisons Project

Notebook: South Asia
See Category:World Cultures South Asia

See region's page