Germany Unification


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Germany Unification History Timeline Project Due: 3/10/06


German Confederation

Created by Metternich in Congress of Vienna

In 1815, at the Congress of Vienna, Metternich and others set up the loosly orgnized German Confederation. This united the 39 countries that made up Germany. Every year, the states would send repre4detivies to a meeting in Franffurt, called the Frankfurt Diet. Prussia and Austria-Hungaria dominated the meeting, which couldn't do anything unless all 39 states agreed. beacause Prussia and Ausria-hungary

Wilhelm I becomes king and selects Bismark

Bismark says he will rule w/o parlament snd makes speech

Him and Austria fought Denmark and launched tension

each got a neighboring territory and faought about that. Bismark liked this fighting

Seven's week War

w/ Austria as a result of Denmark border conflict

Franco-Prussian War

changes telegram to get France mad at him so that he could get the southerns to support him (they are catholics and he/ Prussia is protistant. he attacked france in Sept. 1870 captured versiles in Jan 18, 1871