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6.006 Introduction to Algorithms is a Course 6 EECS (Engineering) class I took with Silvio Micali and Constantinos (Costis) Daskalakis at MIT as a Junior spring semester.

Class Review

This class was OK. I was familiar with most of the material already, but it was good to hear it presented formally. The class does not take much time, as there is pretty much only 1 big project, outside of the lectures.


This class seemed to come down to doing well on the exams which were puzzles with luck involved. Plus like all math classes at MIT, people seemed way smarter than it seems.

Notes Quality

Posted notes; unlike other math classes where I often don't really understand stuff; I think I understood stuff here. I just was not able to figure out the puzzles. Remember, black ink means work, not notes.


Introduction to Algorithms "CLRS" 3rd edition book; was fairly helpful; things explained well.