Russian Revolution Lesson Group Project


Revision as of 23:00, 8 June 2006 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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Good job!

Good job to all my group members. I think we had a fun time despite the fact that the game didn't work as well as we planned (No more Hershey kisses!!!) We caught a lot of people not paying attention by Mr. Smith seemed to remain interested.


3 points off for not connecting to the "big Ideas" which I planned to do but class was over. 2 points off for not saying who did what on grade sheet. Overall "Great effort and work" See the actual grade sheet

As part of a group project with 4 other members (Dan, Jamie, DJ, and Cathy), we need to teach a 10 minute lesson on a topic from the Russian Revolution for Western Civ class on 5/31/2006. See Mr. Smith's Instructions posted here

Our group chose the topic D:Civil War in Russia, Lenin Restores Order, and Totalitarianism in Russia: Joseph Stalin


Lesson Plan (Cathy)


  1. Short 3 min movie or skit (written by Dan)
  2. PowerPoint Presentation
  3. Short 10 qu. quiz prepared by Jamie
  4. Special Suprise Closing Activity (DJ)
  5. Hand out outline (text closly following PowerPoint)


Word.PNGA Microsoft Word version of this work is available here: Image:Russian Rev Lesson Plan.doc


Today, students will learn about:

  • Causes and effects of the civil war in Russia
  • V.I. Lenin and his actions to restore order
  • Lenin’s successor: Joseph Stalin
  • Totalitarianism
  • Stalin’s economic and agricultural revolutions and the resistance towards them
  • The overall effect, both positive and negative, Joseph Stalin had on Russia and the USSR, as well as the world

Opening Activity:

2 Historical Short Films about Russia’s Civil War and Lenin’s actions to restore the country

Guided Instruction:

PowerPoint Presentation on Joseph Stalin and his rule in Russia, as well as the effects of Stalin -

Independent Practice:

Worksheet containing questions and answer based from the lesson –


  • Activity/Game- Who wants to be a “Kissenair?”; based off the widely popular television game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”
    • Conversation with class to connect back to main ideas:
(a.) Decisions made by leaders determine their cycle of power.
(b.) Dissatisfaction with the current structure of society can lead to political, social, and economic change.
(c.) Leaders hold world views that can influence the social, political, and economic direction of a society.

Movie or Skit (Dan)

We found these movies on the internet. We will show them in the beginning.


Civil War and Lenin (Cathy)

Upon finding that the movies we found contained most of the information in Cathy's PowerPoint, we decided to nix the Civil War and Lenin PowerPoint. Cathy still wrote an outline to handout to the class, but she does not want me to post it here.

Stalin and Totalalitarianism (Plaz)

Final Draft of PowerPoint:

PowerPnt 2003.pngA PowerPoint slideshow of this work is available here: Image:Stalin Section SlideShow.ppt

Powerpoint Media

Whole Project Outline

Pdf.jpgA PDF version of this work is available here: Image:Russian Rev Outline Handout.pdf

Civil War in Russia, Lenin Restores Order, and Totalitarianism in Russia: Joseph Stalin

Cathy's Part Censored
  1. Leader V.I. Lenin died in 1924 launching power struggle to see who would be the next leader
    1. Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin were the two r