Category:World Cultures Comparison Project


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World Cultures Comparison ProjectInstructions


Topic Brainstorm

  • economic prosperity (star)
  • free time use (star)
  • tv industry
  • energy demand/supply
  • the young generations
  • American influences (star and circle)
  • transportation
  • global influences
  • globalization (underlined)
    • "the export of artificial wants"

2nd Brainstorm: Globalization


The Export of Artificial Wants

  • ??or too focused
  • or too crazy
  • What does that mean?
    *it may be clever but if I can't figure it out or Greg can't figure it out, then we shouldn't use it.


  • pos:
    • better standards of living
    • more equitable distribution of wealth
    • ending harsh global customs
      • shria law
      • etc.
    • outsourcing makes jobs
    • good in long term
  • neg:
    • putting too much on them?
    • bad diet?
      • China
    • exporting artifical wants
    • plundering and profits
    • ?talk about imperialism??
      • India
      • ?or only focus on present?


  • debate, it seems would work best
    • Is Globalization ultimately good or bad?
    • each person gets topic
    • that way they research that 1 topic
    • they write a page (or so) about that topic
      • Plaz or some one glues it all together
    • then they are experts in that for debate
    • this has advantage because it compartmentalizes the work, so it can be easily split up
  • video????
    • what would it be of though????
  • newspaper
    • groff: print it on real newspaper paper??
    • again, what would it say?


  • Latin America (req.)
  • Japan (food)
  • India (?imperialism)
  • Middle East (sharia)
  • ???