Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study\Senior Quoter Plan

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study SeniorQuoter Plan


Day 9

  • Integrate Wordpress Design Elements (In Class) (Plaz w/ All Watching)

Day 13

  • Design Database (HW) (All, independently)

Day 14

  • Approve and Implement Database (Home) (Plaz)
  • Write some queries we would use (HW) (All)

Day 17

  • Add error handler (In Class) (All)

Day 20

  • Display List of Students (In Class) (Plaz w/ All watching)

Day 22

  • Log in and user accounts
  • Just Base Account (with all permissions)

Day 23

  • Sessions (Integrate) (Someone at Home)

Day 25-On

To be Decided Later --ThePlaz 14:44, 16 September 2007 (EDT)