Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study\Senior Quoter Plan

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Revision as of 03:32, 7 December 2007 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study - SeniorQuoter Plan - We need to accomplish: Group Study SeniorQuoter Features


Feature Leads

  • Mike Gdovin: School configuration and install script
  • Shawn Ard: Color Picker and Pic Uploading
  • Gary Hunt: Reports and Outputs
  • Sean Maguire: Users and Privileges
  • Plaz: Headers, Assistance and importing/exporting (in conjunction with Gary)

Plaz: to do Before Work Starts

  • Admin menu
  • DB connect (?special?)
  • Error handler
    • Display SQL errors
  • Debug Mode

First Tasks

  • Gdovin: Config page
  • Sean Maguire: Accounts/Log in
  • Shawn Ard: Students view
  • Gary: Quotes output

Tasks requiring extra help

  • Plaz: ?Error message design and message pass along
  • Gdovin: Install script
  • Ard: Color picker
  • Gary, Maguire: Imports and Exports
  • Ard: Img Uploader


  • Documentation
  • Blog Posts/Updates

V3 Features

  • Quote revision and approval log (could start here - depending on time; at least leave framework)