Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study\Mechanics

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study Mechanics




Each potential participant must individually go to your counselor and talk about the independent study and request approval individually.


We will be in the publications office, room 129.


(for archival purposes) We would prefer a private location, but realize this might not be possible. Private locations are preferred so that we may talk and discuss ideas without disturbing others. We would need to have access to a computer per person, restricting us to computer labs. In addition we need WinXP or OSX computers, ‘’no’’ OS9 or Mac Manager-managed. However the school district is replacing all Macs (except Art and Music) with PCs next year, so this will not be a problem.


Mrs. Jane Greenspun, director of technology for the district, has agreed to mentor us in conjunction with Mr. Anderson, network manager for the district. Additionally, Mrs. Fish, the publications director, is the "client", as we are developing SeniorQuoter for her use at our school.

Past Information

In my experience at the high school, and confirmed by the principal, no teachers would be able to, in a sense, “teach” the group. Thus it is an independent study. Mrs. Jane Greenspun and Mr. Anderson in administration have pledged their occasional support, and have knowledge of the topics being covered. However, most likely, per school regulations, a day-to-day supervisor is needed to supervise and a teacher is needed to give a pass/fail grade at the end of the quarter.


After comparing our schedules, and conversing we have decided that 2nd quarter, 1st block would be the most opportune time for the group independent study.

Participants should have their schedules changed to open up this spot and gain approval (by individually filling the required paperwork with their guidance counselor) to take this independent study if they have not already done so.


  • One PC per person with place to save stuff without it getting deep freezed
    • Windows XP or Vista Preferred
    • Mac OS X may also work but will require other software listed below
    • OS9 or Mac Manager-managed computers will not work
  • Smart Board, if possible, to show examples and lead discussion (rear projection if possible, please).
  • At least a projector, to share examples. Mrs. VanTrieste, at the Middle School, has a spare projector to lend us.

Software Requested


Everyone must purchase a copy. The school will not provide them.