Religion: Then and Now Group Project


Revision as of 21:27, 13 January 2008 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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  • Huck Finn English 11 Group Project to look at religion and make a multi-media presentation of then and now

Quick Brainstorm: 1/10/2008

  • Isreal
  • Middle East
  • Some religions against Movies being shown
  • Moral questions
    • Now: Abortion
    • Now: Gay Marriage
    • Book: Slavery
  • Book: Guns at feet in church
    • Hypocracy
    • Real world church
  • Huckabee (religious minister) running for office
    • How in book???
  • Now: Why do people go to church?
    • Tradition (like book)

Technical: 1/11/2007

  • Too hard to do entire thing video
  • PowerPoint
    • Lots of pictures and viedo and text
  • Video intro


  • Non-involvement/Tradition
    • Book: Grangerfords not listening to sermon
    • Now: Interview people and ask them why they go to church
  • Morals
    • Book: Questions over slavery
    • Now: Stem Stell, Abortion?, Gay Marriage? debate
  • Religion Helps