High School Snapshot

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Revision as of 19:05, 25 June 2008 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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I thought in April 2008 that it would be a good idea to collect all of the odd jobs that I do/did.

  • Prom Expo 2008 Photographer - I took 126 photos of the event at request of the event's sponsors. These photos were then made available to anyone who want to use them. [1]
  • Media Development Locks of Love 2008 I managed the exposure on H-Vision and Facebook for Locks of Love, by filming a segment and creating a Facebook page and filling it with content from prior events. I worked closely with the event sponsor and the editing team for H-Vision.
  • Broadcast Manager/Director Mr. Haverford 2008 I was responsible for a team of 4 people to film and produce the video for the live "Jumbotron" and archival broadcast. I met with the producer of the event to to work out and test camera and projector positions. I brought about half of the equipment and set it up. This took about an hour and a half, including a run to Radio Shack and a lot of troubleshooting. One the event started I ran the video mixer putting together the 4 sources. I also had to deal with a personnel problem and had to sub someone in in the middle of the event. When I cam home I was really tired. The producer was happy with the outcome.
  • Critique Krazy Kamp Every year I am invited back to the middle school to critique the Haverford Middle School Theater Company's latest show. I am the only one who consistently returns every year to join the 2 or 3 theater professionals who offer their thoughts on the show.
  • H-Vision Interviews [2]