Just Do It Efficiency

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Living the w3 life

Doing not talking about

Sometimes it's important to just do. Not talk about over and over. Do the

purpose. Orgizational structure is sometimes a nessessity - but many times

the paperwork gets in the way of doing things. The paperwork should be

proportional to the size of the job. Otherwise you will spend too much

time doing paperwork and not getting stuff done.

My friend Mike Gdovin ran a "company" called w3life. Throughout their 3

year lifespan they put out about 10 content pieces, but they changed their

logo 3 times and their content style 3 times.

It's not the company structure that is important. Having a CEo role,

arguing about shares, trying to get the best logo. You must do something.

From working with profesiopnalias in this insustry, I've learned that they

do this. There is a discrete way to talk about ownership, but this does

not get in the way. They recognize that 60% of 0 is 0. Formal structures

are added later, as needed.

Logo W3Life changed their logo many times. Write the progression - can't

research now.

With my experience with big business in 2009, I've seen that this type of

foot dragging happens in big business. It's really fustrating to me. I

particularly dislike foot dragging or anything that is not effiencet.

Efficency is good

I always strive for effiencey in my life, because that is how I get the

most done. I realize much of my life goes tro perpehy "living and

relaxing" but when I am working I try to be effiencent. I heard this

somewhere and I think its particlarly true: People want to keep their jobs

(want to remain part of the process and look busy) But in my business I

would fire them. Second, people don't want to rock the boat.

I think the best teams work with a small group of motivated, first class

workers who are given the room to work. They need to be willing to talk

out about the structure and rock the boat.

Problbly the biggest problem is communication. Part of the issue probabley

is that people don't want to put themsleves out of a job. But also, teams

that are too big don't share stuff. Wikis are a large part of the solution

if people take the time to contribute.

I want to always bring more value to a job that I should not play into

these tricks - and in high school I didn't by tring to sneak by without

doing HW - don't always get recongized like Chris Denny - I am bad at BSing

In programming, you can do a lot of nothing if you spend a lot of time of

planning out specs. Now this is needed sometimes. But I think most of the

time rapid prototyping or agile progamming would get stuff done. Just try

it. Again, this works best with small, close-knit teams, who really know

what they are doing.