Comma Rules


Revision as of 02:41, 3 March 2006 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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The 10 (or 11) comma rules, taught by Michael Plasmeier for Honors 9th Grade level.


Lesson Plan


Students will be able to:

  • Correctly and successfully use commas in their everyday writing
  • Correctly and successfully identify and/or insert commas in a paragraph
  • Know the 10 or 11 rules for when commas are used


  • PlazWiki (this site)
  • Class set of laptops
  • Smart Board
  • PowerPoint

Instructional Strategies

  • lecture / Present comma rules on PowerPoint slide show
  • ...
  • Fix a paragraph on PlazWiki (alone) (in two shifts; what does the other shift do?)

Assessment Techniques

  • Fix a paragraph exercise by self
  • ...


  1. Introduce 10 (or 11) comma rules in PowerPoint slide show
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. Fix a paragraph exercise
  6. (other shift);...

10 (or 11) Comma Rules

Post the rules here

Fix a Paragraph Exercise

  • Plaz will post a paragraph with errors on PlazWiki. Students will register and log on to edit paragraph on their own page. The first person finished from each shift wins a t-shirt (tentative)


Feel free to post your questions here. Please add --~~~~ after your comment. Thanks --Plaz 21:41, 2 March 2006 (EST)