's Dropdowns for MediaWiki


Revision as of 21:36, 8 September 2006 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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ThePlaz-com.png Original Feature

I recently received an inquiry wondering how I built my dropdowns in the Sitenotice. (See Above, currently only working in Firefox) So, I pulled out my keyboard and began to type out a response....


The pull down menu is located at MediaWiki:Sitenotice. The site notice (and the MediaWiki:Anonnotice when not logged in) is a space to put messages that you want on every page on your site. The Wikimedia Foundation uses it to announce elections and stuff, but I configured it to add the drop downs. I coded most of it by hand, copying parts from the Stylin' with CSS Book (A really good book, I highly recomended it to CSS beginners, as well as The Zen of CSS Design)

It is pure CSS, meaning it works without JavaScript, a plus, but does not work (yet) in IE. I am trying to find a way to fix that. Only the top level appears in IE, so users can click to directed to another page, but no dropdowning, meaning it degrades nicely. Also a plus, non-CSS browers can see all of the links in a normal unordered list.

Adding it to your site

You need the CSS from to power the menus. Add this to MediaWiki:Common.css. On my site, I do it a bit differently, but copying it to there should work. (If not, send me a message)

To call the dropdowns, copy this to your MediaWiki:Sitenotice

<ul id="sitenotice_nav" style="list-style-type: none; list-style-image:
 none;-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; 
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; 
background:#F1F1CB;margin:7px -2px -2px -2px;padding:0;">
<li>[[Template:Drop Down:Pizza]]{{Drop Down:Pizza}}</li>
<li>[[Template:Drop Down:Ice Cream]]{{Drop Down:Ice Cream}}<li>

Make the pages Template:Drop Down:Pizza and Template:Drop Down:Ice Cream. On those pages use this format for your links.

*[[Cheese Pizza|Cheese]]
*[[Pepperoni Pizza|Pepperoni]]

You should now have a drop down where the top level links to the list page for IE users and drop downs for Firefox users. To add more links just edit Template:Drop Down:Pizza. To add more drop downs, edit MediaWiki:Sitenotice, and add a <li> line like the example above.

You can also edit the CSS to change colors or shapes or add pictures.

I hope this answers your question.--Plaz 17:36, 8 September 2006 (EDT)