Cultures Paper\Project Proposal


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In order to make the public aware about different social problems, I am going to create a online question and answer website. It will be called Conflicter and and live at The project will be based on tecker ( code I have developed in the past few months. The website will be written in PHP and use a MySQl database. It will run on my hosted servers at 1&1 on appache server software running on Linux. this is commanly called the LAMP platform. On the website, any users will be able to register for a free acount. They will then be able to ask questions about global culture. The goal of the project is to end globan ignorance through the spread of infomation. The questions will be then storred on the site. Anyone can then answer these questions using the web form. Thus, this is an interative community site.

There will also be categories for questions. When a user asks a question, they will be asked to select a category for that question. Theirafter, the question will appear in this category. The list of questions will also be able to be sorted by by reciency and by the user who submits the question �