English: The Primary Language

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May change/be updated - still in progress - may still contain inaccuracies

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English should be the primary language of the world. That does not mean it has to replace all other languages, but it could be a common second language. English has such a large installed base, most, if not all of the international business deals and technical specifications are conducted in English. Wherever you go, English is the always the second language, if not the first. That's why English is a good choice as a wold language. And a common language would benefit the world by easing the spread of knowledge, reducing cultural barriers, and saving millions in translation costs. Having to reproduce works in other languages is expensive for companies, and impossible for the new generation of self-published web 2.0 content (like this site)

  • online
  • transparenty
  • translating is expensive
  • web2.0
  • podcasts
  • english has head start
    • en wiki 3x big

hard to implement