Wells Fargo

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Wells Fargo

In 1852, Henry Wells and William Fargo, president and vice president of American Express, founded Wells, Fargo, & Company. Seeing the benefit in investing in the California Gold Rush, Wells and Fargo formed this business to provide express and banking service to California. Well’s and Fargo’s contributions went much deeper then this. With their work, banking offices expanded throughout communities in California and freight service from New York to California via the Pony Express was developed. Henry Wells and William Fargo are still remembered to this day. Being the founders of popular companies including American Express and Wells Fargo (the union between Wells, Fargo, & Company and Norwest Corporation) is a testament to their struggles. To this day, they remain legendary bankers and developers of the West.

Slogan of Wells, Fargo, & Company: “The Next Stage”