Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study\Senior Quoter Plan

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Revision as of 19:20, 22 February 2008 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study - SeniorQuoter Plan - We need to accomplish: Group Study SeniorQuoter Features

This was the initial plan. It was modified as we worked, but this page was not kept up to date. See the daily logs for the actual work.


Feature Leads

  • Mike Gdovin: School configuration and install script
  • Shawn Ard: Color Picker and Pic Uploading
  • Gary Hunt: Reports and Outputs
  • Sean Maguire: Users and Privileges
  • Plaz: Headers, Assistance and importing/exporting (in conjunction with Gary)

Plaz: to do Before Work Starts

  • Admin menu
  • DB connect (?special?)
  • Error handler
    • Display SQL errors
  • Debug Mode

First Tasks

  • Gdovin: Config page
  • Sean Maguire: Accounts/Log in
  • Shawn Ard: Students view
  • Gary: Quotes output

Tasks requiring extra help

  • Plaz: ?Error message design and message pass along
  • Gdovin: Install script
  • Ard: Color picker
  • Gary, Maguire: Imports and Exports
  • Ard: Img Uploader


  • Documentation
  • Blog Posts/Updates

V3 Features

  • Quote revision and approval log (could start here - depending on time; at least leave framework)