Talk:Three Days for the USA PATRIOT Act Of 2001 (PL 107-56)


Revision as of 23:39, 15 January 2009 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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It's interesting for me to go back 4 years ago and read my old research paper. I was amazed that I was able to turn out something that long and in-depth 4 years ago. (now I would shy away from writing so much because I have other things to do with my time). Also I was amazed at how many grammar errors were still in there. That's embarrassing. I remember now I used to relentlessly edit the tone of my work on paper and then type up the changes and did it again. I am now better at writing once and it's easier to edit on the computer. Plus, I don't go back and forth on style issues. Now my voice is clearer. A lot of this info most likely is outdated now. In less than a week the Bush era will be over! --ThePlaz 18:39, 15 January 2009 (EST)