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Touch&Travel was a program at Deutsche Bahn I was involved with when I worked there

iPhone Touch&Travel Check-in Screen

TouchandTravel App Icon.png

On January 6, 2011, right on schedule, Deutsche Bahn released the beta of the Touch&Travel iPhone application. The architecture of how the application fit into their existing system was right how I had designed it over the summer. They made some tweaks to the UI, but ~80% of the UI was as I had designed it. Some of the artwork I prepared over the summer even made it into the application.

In particular I am happy that they took my icons for the check in methods. It would be so cool if those icons would be printed in stations and/or added to their style manual. Germany corporations, including Deutsche Bahn, are some of the great patrons of modern typography and modernist design. I would be honored if my work was a part of that.

News Stories

All of the news stories are in German, unfortunately

‎* Touch&Travel mit dem iPhone nutzen