Germany Unification


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Germany Unification History Timeline Project Due: 3/10/06


German Confederation

Created by Metternich in Congress of Vienna

In 1815, at the Congress of Vienna, Metternich and others set up the loosely organized German Confederation. This united the 39 countries that made up Germany. Every year, the states would send repre4detivies to a meeting in Frankfurt, called the Frankfurt Diet. Prussia and Austria dominated the meeting, which couldn't do anything unless all 39 states agreed. However, Prussia and Austria did not agree frequently and nothing was ever done. However people looked to this meeting as a sign of what could come.

I liked the German Confederation set up by the leader of my arch-rival Austria. It set the stage in the minds of some nationalists of a unified Germany. One that I hoped to create and have Prussia rule over all. Other then that, nothing happened much in the convention. Austria was the leader at the time in Germany. However their citizens were from many different backgrounds and cultures. Also, we were more industrialized the Austria. We formed a Zollverein trade group with all of the real German nations. You see "Germany is clearly too small for both of us [Austria and Prussia}".

Wilhelm I becomes king and selects Bismark

In 1861, Wilhelm I became the king of Prussia. He was strong minded and wanted to reform and double the army. However, a liberal parliament that was set up by his predecessor refused his reforms. The Junkers, a conservative, wealthy class that supported the king, also opposed the liberal parliament that they believed challenged the authority of the king. In 1862, Wilhelm I appointed Junker Otto van Bismark to the post of Prime Minister.

That me! This is the event when I first seriously come into the picture of European History! King Wilhelm I was a really nice guy. He wanted to double the size of the army and set Prussia even farther ahead with our industrialization. Of course the parliament wouldn't hear anything about this (more on that latter), so desperate measures had to be taken. The Junkers, which I was a member of was committed to keeping our conservative values. So he picked lots of us for the high posts of government and the army. He picked me as his prime minister to help the country!

Bismark says he will rule w/o Parliament and makes speech

Otto van Bismark was a strong and commanding figure. He believed strongly in the the idea of realpolitik. (describe below) The Prussian parliament refused to grant his and Wilhelm I's desires. So Otto decides that he would rule w/o the consent of parliament and defied the budget they had set for him. These acts were in direct violation of the new constitution. In parliament he told the Parliament "The great question of the day will not be settled by speeches or by majority decisions - that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 - but by blood and iron." he rejected the idealism of romanticism in favor of a more realistic reality.

So my friend, Wilhelm I, king of Prussia, was having a little trouble with a liberal paraliment the previous king foolishly agreed to. They wouldn't accept anything we tried to do. Desperate measures had to be taken, and frankly, I couldn't stand all of thoes liying liberals. So Wilhelm and I decided that we would announce that we were going forward with other thoes snubby paraliment's approval. I don't care if it was in direct violation of the consititution. I wanted power to expand Prussia for the better. To do that, Innede to remove Austria from the equation. And I head the perfect plan ....

Him and Austria fought Denmark and launched tension - 1864

each got a neighboring territory and fought about that. Bismark liked this fighting

Bismark needed to disable Austria if he wanted any hope of uniting Germany. In 1864, he came up with a clever plan to harm Austria's feelings and get land from Denmark at the same time. He forged an alliance with his rival Austria and suggested they attack Denmark. The quick victory rose pride in the country and won Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. However, Bismark arranged so that Prussia would control Schleswig, while Austria controlled Holstein. Bismark correctly predicted that this would cause tension between the two countries.

Ha, Ha. I had the prefect plan and Austria walked right into my trap. I had set it up that we would temporally get an alliance together, me and Austria. Then we would win against Denmark and raise pride as well as gain land. But I knew that Austria would not like living right next to me and our shared piece of Denmark. This led to tension between us and them. I perfectly predicted exactly what Austria would do...

Seven's week War

w/ Austria as a result of Denmark border conflict

Prussian is industrialized, helps them greatly

weaken them ?and split up

Franco-Prussian War

changes telegram to get France mad at him so that he could get the southerns to support him (they are catholics and he/ Prussia is protestant. he attacked France in Sept. 1870 captured versailles in Jan 18, 1871