Latin Timeline


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This is a very basic timeline provided by the teacher in Latin 1

  • 753 BCE: Official date for the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus
  • 509 BCE: The last Etruscan king is expelled and Rome becomes an independent Republic (official date given for the beginning of the Republic)
  • 450 BCE: The Twelve Tables- the first list of laws was published.
  • 264-241 BCE: The first Punic War between Rome and Carthage- Rome defeats Carthage in Sicily.
  • 218-201 BCE: The second Punic War between Rome and Carthage- After Hannibal (fighting for Carthage) crosses the Alps, the Romans attack the Carthaginians in Spain and defeat Hannibal.
  • 149-146 BCE: The Third Punic War between Rome and Carthage. Carthage is destroyed and then becomes a Roman territory.
  • 146 BCE: Much of the Mediterranean, including Greece, comes under Roman Control.
  • 49 BCE: Caesar seizes power in Rome and brings a period of political stability during which he is made dictator for life.
  • 44 BCE: Caesar’s murder by the senators, hoping to restore the Republic, brings about the end of it.
  • 27 BCE: Octavian becomes the first Roman Emperor and is called “Augustus.” Augustus dies in 14 CE.
  • 14-37 CE: Tiberius is Emperor
  • 37-41 CE: Caligula is Emperor and is known for being cruel and insane- tries to have his horse elected to consul.
  • 41-54 CE: Claudius is Emperor
  • 54-68 CE: Nero is Emperor- He is the last of Augustus’s dynasty and was rumored to have set fire to Rome.
  • 69 CE: The year of Four Emperors
  • 312-337 C.E: Constantine comes to power and makes Constantinople an imperial capitol city.
  • 455 CE: The Vandals destroy Rome and poverty, famine, and chaos followed.
  • 476 CE: The official date for the end of the Roman Empire