Chocolatier Game Guide


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Chocolatier Game from [1] Guide Template:ThePlaz Exclusive



There are 60 min trials all around the web. I used WildTangent's WildCoins system to play, because it's only 4 coins ($1) each time you want to start the game. I completed it in ~7 hours with 3 starts, so it cost me only $2, because the first start was free.


It was a fun twist on the "own a business" genre. There was little "gaming" skill involved (by this I mean where you have to complete actions in a certain amount of time) except for where you set chocolate production by launching ingredients at a spinning wheel. Think like Mario Party, where you most of what you do is strategy (with less surprises in this), but there is a bit of skill involved in most of the mini-games.

The game itself got a little repetitive in the end completing all 130+ quests and trying to collect what seems like a hundred chocolate recipes. You want to complete the game with as least moves as possible, because you want to have the highest income per week.

Also, when you are running low on ingredients, it doesn't tell you which one until you run out (and stop production) You can always figure it out, but that's a pain. Also you forget which ingredients are in which cities. It tells you, sometimes, where you last saw an ingredient, but not always. That is the reason I made this guide.

City Guides

Each city has a chocolate shop (where you sell you're goods) and a market where you can buy some raw ingredients. Some cities have factories you can buy to make your chocolates, and some have farms which sell specialty cacao to use in some of your creations. Most cities then have some sort of architectural icon where someone lives who you deliver chocolates to and get recipes from. In some cases, these are members of the Baumeister family (the central storyline of the game). In addition, most cities have a spot where "travelers" hang out, who sometimes give you quests, ask you to gamble, or give stupid advice.

San Fransisco

The city you start in.

Ferry Markets

  • Run by Patricia Knowles
  • Sugar
  • Milk Solids
  • Almonds


  • Walinda McMurty runs San Fransisco Chocolates
  • ?? runs the Brickhouse Square Factory
  • Travlers at the Barbary Coast Saloon
  • Evangeline Baumeister at the Cliff Chalet
