SQ Class/12-19

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Revision as of 16:44, 27 December 2007 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study Log for 12/19/2007


  • Ard
    • Start credits.php page
    • HTMLize
  • Maguire
    • Log out script
    • Start forgot password
  • Gary
    • Finish edit quote
    • Upload icons
  • Gdovin
    • Nothing!


  • Ard
    • Finish credits
    • ??Start students
    • Plan out (on paper) credits design
  • Maguire
    • Change password
    • Students page
  • Hunt
    • Approval html
    • Approval php
  • Gdovin
    • Finish> Print it out
    • Sticky or current
    • Some optional
  • Plaz
    • parse css files (http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1289.html )
    • color wheel
    • writing error suppression (?check if function?)
    • style 'view quotes'
    • Style credits??? (for ard?)
    • Fix log in messages
    • Finish forgot password
    • ??look at icons
    • (disabled - make them greyed?? - or special page (easier))