SQ Class/1-7

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Revision as of 16:19, 7 January 2008 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study Log for 1/7/2007


  • Ard
    • Make Edit Student Page
      • needs links after submit
  • Maguire and Gary
    • Nothing
  • Gdovin
    • Start install script (from Wordpress)
    • DB
      • Needs to insert schemas
    • Create Admin Account
    • Needs Config
    • Needs TOC
    • Needs testing


  • Ard
    • Batch create password
  • Maguire
    • ?Import students
      • But need upload framework
    • Something else
  • Hunt
    • Exporting CSV Quotes
    • Batch approval and/or Show status on view quotes page
  • Gdovin
    • Continue Install:
      • Create Schema
      • Config
      • ToC set
    • Config page needs to be able to disable quote submission
  • Plaz
    • Fix Gdovin's slash problem
    • Refine optional and where null on Config page
    • Test install script
    • Generate password JS
    • Make test case and instructions for uploading
    • Upload background and framework
    • Style approval comments box
    • ??Batch approval
    • Bugs
    • Icons