SQ Class/1-11

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Revision as of 02:04, 14 January 2008 by ThePlaz (Talk | contribs)

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Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study Log for 1/11/2007


  • Ard
    • CSV Documentation
  • Maguire
    • Create print_invitations.php with invitations config
      • Which students (all or without quotes)
      • Order
      • Message
    • Secure invitations
  • Gary
    • Students page has 'show all' link (for easy printing)
    • Schoolwork
  • Gdovin
    • Make a fresh install and test
  • Plaz (Weekend)
    • Make invitations accept config
    • Add a "last warning" invitations message
    • Let invitations only be sent to those without quotes
    • Add logo to invitations (it didn't like transparent logos)


  • Everyone
    • Test and fix bugs!
  • Plaz (bold == higher priority)
    • Refine optional and where null on Config page
      • Finish up config page and make changes on install
    • Install: Redirect to it [from index] (if no config)
    • Generate password JS
    • Upload background pic
    • Style approval comments box
    • Style and logo PDF invitations
    • Make links
      • linking to export CSV
    • ??Batch approval
    • Bugs
    • Icons