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Revision as of 15:26, 26 August 2010

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In Aug 2010, I had enough with the Kodak M1093 IS and started looking for a new camera. I still wanted a compact camera I could carry around daily, but I wanted a really good one. I read DPreview's roundup of Compact SuperZooms. But I was unsure about spending $200-300 on a new camera at this time. Then on Aug 22, 2010 Woot offered the camera for $139. I reread the review that DP had written (I bought the 30 model, not the 35 model with GPS and AMOLED screen) and decided to get this camera because I had been impressed with the review a few weeks ago. My friend had recommended a Canon S90, but because Woot was offering such a good deal I decided to get it. The 3 customer reviews on Amazon are quite poor, but I am going to trust Dpreview on this. The Kodak had fairly good customer reviews on Amazon, but I really hated it

As I write this, I have not received the camera yet.

My Cameras v  d  e