World Cultures Portfolio/Middle East: Population Density


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World Cultures Middle East

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May change/be updated - still in progress - may still contain inaccuracies

Middle East Population Map
Textbook African Independence Map

The Middle East, a mosaic of cultures mixed together in a volatile world. Ready to blow up at a moment's notice, the Middle East is one of the most troubled spots in the world. Its geography varies greatly, however, and in fact, directly causes some of the conflicts. Vast stretches of desert exist where almost nothing can live. However, right next door, is the cradle of civilization, a fertile valley rich in water and oil. The sea plays a big part too in the Middle East. Shipping and commerce travels easiest over water. But, also, the Middle East is where the East meets West. Ancient traders long crossed this land with caravans of precious goods to bring back to their homelands. ?rework

However the geography also effects the distribution of people in the Middle East. As mentioned before, the deserts support little life, while the fertile valleys are full of people.

One of the most fertile valley, lies along the banks of the Nile River. The Nile River makes up the heart of Egypt, both modern and ancient. The river flooded every year, depositing rich soil over the desert. This soil let crops be grown along the river, and could support a large population. This gave rise to one of the most recognized ancient civilizations on earth, Ancient Egypt. The rulers of Ancient Egypt managed to build huge pyramids from their large population. The Nile valley is one of the richest in the Middle East. In present day, it supports more then 250 people per suqare mile, the most in the Middle East.  ?what else to say  ?find problem with life

Another crowded section of the Middle East is the northern party of Turkey. ..go on..

..anaylise weather..

The section of the Middle East which included Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories is also very crowded. ..climate in Isreal good

Section under lake in Iran

Near bodies of water

The desert in the Middle of Saudi Arabia has almost no people living in it. Less then 2 people per square mile live there.  ?concentrated in oasis-es How could they live in the middle of the desert?


The population density of the Middle East very much affects and causes the conflicts which entrails the Middle East. ..explain

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