World Cultures Portfolio/Africa: Decolonization


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World Cultures Africa

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African Independence Map
Textbook African Independence Map

The history and story of Africa is long and complicated. According to Jared Diamond (cite), Africa is near the place where humans first evolved. Some left Africa and went to Europe, where they found good farmland with many domesticatable plants and animals (Diamond p.). This agricultural efficiency left the Europeans to be able to research and develop tools as well as knowledge (Diamond p.). Over the years, the Europeans invented guns and steel as instruments of war (Diamond p.). They also created complicated, efficient industrial processes which required large amounts of raw materials. One place they knew, Africa, had lots of these materials. They realized that they could use their superior weaponry to invade Africa and claim it for themselves (Africa). They stormed in and quickly overthrew the native governments and took control. The enslaved the Africans in their own country and carted out resources by the ship load. They denied blacks any say in their own country. They grew rich on the backs of the natives. This worked for about 50-100 years. However the locals, both whites and blacks, soon demanded an end to European control.

In 1910, South Africa was the first to declare independence ("South Africa"). However, they achieved independence because of the disagreements between Afrikaners and British people of South Africa ("South Africa"). Native blacks had almost no say in their now independent government. In 1961, South Africa became a republic (Blue Textbook Map). It remained staunchly white supremacist until the 1980's brought great rebellious and outside pressures forcing the government to change its attitude towards blacks. However South Africa did not hold a true, nonracial, democratic election until April 27, 1994 ("South Africa").

In 1922, Egypt achieved independence in kind ("Egypt"). Even though Britain declared Egypt an independent monarchy, the British reserved the right to intervene in Egyptian affairs if their interests were threatened. This robbed Egypt of any real independence ("Egypt"). However after World War II in 1952, radical Muslims overthrew this puppet government ("Africa"). They redistributed the land to the peasants and nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956 ("Africa"). This was a symbol to other African colonies that Britain was not as powerful as it once was ("Africa").

Ethiopia, however, managed to remain independent for most of modern history, except for when it was invaded by Italy in 1935 ("Africa"). Ethiopia was taken over by the Italians until the British fought back in 1941 ("Africa"). After that, Ethiopia continued its independence.

In general, as World War II ended European powers felt that it was more difficult to hold on to their colonies in the face of weakness at home and growing internal demands for independence. The wave of freedom started in Liberia in 1952 ("Africa"). This independence went smoothly and then spread to Morocco and Tunisia in 1956 ("Africa"). However, in Algeria, independence was not achieved as smoothly ("Africa"). The bloody Algerian War was fought against the French until 1962 ("Africa").

However, the French were quick to grant political reform in their sub-saharan colonies ("Africa"). Local governments were allowed to be elected in return for agreeing to maintain economic ties with France ("Africa"). All of the French Sub-Saharan colonies became independent in the 60's except Guinea in '58 and Djibouti in '77 ("Africa").

British colonies, however, did not gain their independence this fast or this easily. The process was much more distributed and driven by the Africans ("Africa"). The Gold Cost split first in 1957, becoming Ghana ("Africa"). Afterwards, most sub-saharan African nations became independent, separately, as their people agreed on forms of government ("Africa"). The colonies with substantial numbers of white people resisted quick change to democracy ("Africa"). In addition, the British government did not stop Rhodesia and Zimbabwe from civil war or prevent minority lead governments from gaining power against black people ("Africa").

Belgium tried to withhold from decolonizing its Belgian Congo until 1959, when it panicked while watching its rapidly democratizing neighbors ("Africa"). In 1960, they had an ill-prepared transfer of power ("Africa"). Problem arose both because Belgium handed power to a weak government and because they still tried to control the country economically ("Africa"). Civil war has plagued the country ever since; as well as a string of assassinations, coups, and military dictatorships oppressed the nation ("Africa").

Additionally, Portugal was also very reluctant to give up its colonies. In 1974 and 1975, they withdrew from Guinea-Bissau, Angola, and Mozambique ("Africa"). However, they left behind Marxist governments to attempt to repair the damaged economies which suffered after long periods of guerrilla wars ("Africa"). Until the end of the 1980's the countries were used as pawns in the Cold War ("Africa"). After the conflicts cooled down between the Soviet Union and the United States, the countries were plagued by civil war until the 1990's ("Africa").

In 1990, Namibia ended the process as the last African country to achieve independence (Map). South Africa's occupation of the country slowed down the process ("Namibia"). Finally in 1990, the process was over; Africa was free of direct European rule (Map).

However, Africa's troubles did not end with the departure of European control. In the 60's, right after the Europeans left most African nations, the newly formed countries tried to set up one party states ("Africa"). They thought that they entire country could work together for common goals ("Africa"). Unfortunately, these rulers soon became dictators, because there was no one to challenge them ("Africa").

Military intervention was favored in the first decade of independence by most of the urban population ("Africa"). They thought that these new governments would bring an end to the corruption of the previous government ("Africa"). However, the new government soon became corrupt, providing an invitation for yet another coup, leading the vicious cycle.

Some of these governments became incredibly powerful and venomous. In order to protect themselves against the next coup, the rooted out their opponents ("Africa"). Examples include Idi Amin Dada of Uganda and Jean-Bédel Bokassa of the Central Africa Republic ("Africa"). They murdered anyone they thought wanted to take over power from then, and ignored their citizens. They ran their countries as their personal playgrounds.

In the 80's, the problems only got worse. Dictators were now kept in power by Cold War interests ("Africa"). Not until the 1990s, did African nations have a chance to have good, accountable, multi-party governments ("Africa"). Citizens voted out some long time dictators which they did not like, and elected for real the ones they did like ("Africa"). However, this did not work in all of the African nations. In some where corruption ran deep, change was hard to come by. In others, the existing governments cancel the elections if things don't go in their favor ("Africa").

And such the instability in Africa remains. It is hard to build a solid, democratic government in the face of continuing economic hardships. The culture of violence is so entrenched in Africa, and for many the way to express their will is through violence. The process has been especially hard for those who lost power, and for those who can not come to terms with that loss.

This permanent sense of instability stems from several sources. Democracies, naturally, when citizens have more say, creates more conflicts. Absolute leaders, although very aggressive about rooting out other points of view, are generally pretty good at keeping the peace. This is normally accomplished, however, through violent ways. Strong colonial rulers were good at quashing rebellion and not allowing it to impede the operation of the country.

However, the main reason for instability can be found looking back at the Berlin Conference of 1884 ("Africa"). At that conference, the Europeans arbitrarily set the boundaries of the African nations to fit their needs. They split tribes and united rivals together. This mixing of tribes caused conflict between opposing groups who hated each other for thousands of years. These conflicts continue to this very day.

In addition, post-colonial Africa was hampered by the Europeans who were hoping to maintain their superiority, either by direct racial policies, such as South African apartheid, or indirect taxation or debating which made life hard for the natives. In addition, western powers hoped to maintain their interests by influencing the politics of the supposedly independent nations. For example, take Patrice Lumumba of the Congo ("Africa"). He was supposly murdered by the CIA because of his non-western friendly policies.

These combinations of these internal and external factors continues to shape Africa's volatile political climate in the present day. Because the Europeans arbitrarily set the boundaries of Africa without the consideration of African tribes, it seems these conflicts will go on forever. Yes, in some places peace agreements have been signed, but there is still hostility and insecurity. This can never be solved as long as the the root cause of the problem still exists. These tribes have hated each other for thousands of years. Add to that the religious differences and the special powers they were granted by Europeans, and there is the recipe for conflict. Yes they can sign peace agreements but that will not stop the hatred.

This map of Africa which I drew has let me delve into Africa's post colonial history. The nations became independent after World War II. But for the black natives, they were still oppressed. No longer by a foreign nation, but by a local minority-white run government. Only recently have blacks gained the right to steer their political future. But some have abused this privilege. Zimbabwe is a good example of one, which we talked about in class. Robert Mugabe is taking black independence too far, I believe. His is supporting soldiers who kill whites and take their farms. I think he is moving in the wrong direction. By taking black supremacy too far he is making his country poor and his people destitute. He is overriding elections and his people's will. This is not what the face of democracy in Africa should be. I have learned through this that Africa has had a rocky history - that only seemed to get worse of the Europeans left. I see no real solution for this. Dividing up the land again would make the situation worse (take Israel for example). More peace agreements may work, but the root cause is still there. I think, however, you also must realize that these tribes were fighting for thousands of years before the Europeans even heard of Africa.

add black leaders to country summaries remove to-be verbs need MLA works cited