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<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:15pt">Michael Plasmeier</div>
#REDIRECT [[Resume]]
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12pt">MIT Junior in Management and Computer Science</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:10pt">Web developer and project manager with a focus on user experience and design</div>
[[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|Email me]]
===NextJump (2011)===
Summer intern in product design/engineering at [[NextJump]], a referral marketer based in in New York.
*Front and back-end web developer (HTML, JS, jQuery, Prototype, PHP, Zend, MS SQL Server).
*Led intern project team building mobile websites
===Deutsche Bahn (2010)===
[[Deutsche Bahn]] is the integrated, state-owned railway of Germany and Europe’s largest rail operator. Summer intern in PPX (Project Mobility)/[http://touchandtravel.de Touch&Travel], in Frankfurt, Germany.
*Designed the new Smartphone version of Touch&Travel.
*Prototyped a new multi-layer map platform scheduled for implementation. 
*Analyzed technical and business strategy and took part in partner meetings, particularly around NFC.
===State Street (2011)===
*Organized an Innovation Forum in cloud computing, mobility, business processes, and more.
===SocialView (2007-2010)===
SocialView was the company I founded, whose big product was GridView.  GridView was a Facebook application which let users put all of their friends on their profile
*Had 1.3 million installs; >300,000 peak monthly active users
*Attracted minority partner who invested money in business and provided experience
*About $16,000 in total revenue
*Founder and primary developer (PHP, MySQL, Facebook Platform)
*Managed developers domestically and overseas
==Consulting Engagements==
via ThePlaz.com Networks
===Bespoke Media Group (2009-)===
Bespoke Media Group [http://bespokemediagroup.com]
*Created and implemented promotions on Facebook, particularly on the Wildfire platform.
* Advised companies on social media strategy and promotions
*Work closely with clients to explain their options and implement their vision.
*Clients included state tourism agencies and cable television networks
*[[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]] [[MIT Junior|junior]] majoring in [[Management]] and [[Electrical Engineering and Computer Science]] and concentrating in [[STS|Science, Technology, and Society]]
*Expected graduation 2013
*GPA 4.2/5
===Various Dining Committees (2010-)===
Baker representative on Institute committee to award new house dining contract and implement new dining plan.
===Athena Committee (2010-)===
[[UA|Student government]] representative on [[Athena WG|Institute committee]] to modernize student printing and “Athena” computing spaces. Institute already implementing recommendations on printing.  We able to find changes agreeable to both students and the administration.
===[[VPFS|VP Facilities and Services]] [[Baker House]] (2009-)===
Elected house government position in charge of common rooms, loanable equipment, printers. $6,000/year budget.
===Media Lab Research Assistant on [[SocialView]]===
*Developer for SocialMenu as a UROP (research assistant), Viral Communications Group, Media Lab
**iPhone web programming, Facebook development (PHP), layout and prototyping, design for human interaction
===[[RCC|Residential Computer Consultant]]===
*Part time position in Computer and Network support.
*Windows, Mac, Network, Printers
[[Image:GridView Logo.png|thumb|200px]]
[[GridView]] (http://apps.facebook.com/gridview) was an application for Facebook which let users put all of their friends on their profile and makes a photo mosaic of themselves with their friend’s photos. GridView had over 1.3 million installs.
GridView was part of [[SocialView]], a partnership I was the majority owner of. GridView was a great opportunity for a high school student to learn about running a business, including managing contractors, and focusing on strategies to increase revenue.  Last year, I worked with an outsourcing firm to build multi-thousand dollar flash application which I designed and created the specifications for.
[[Image:4Change Logo.png|thumb|200px]]
[[4Change]] (http://apps.facebook.com/forchange) is a petitions application that uses the power of social networks to spread petitions.  I created the vision and guided a consultant who built the application.  4Change is a SocialView application.
[[SeniorQuoter]] (http://seniorquoter.org) is an installable PHP application which lets high school yearbooks streamline their senior quote collection process.  SeniorQuoter is freely licensed under the GNU GPL. SeniorQuoter features a clean and simple, highly-usable interface for both students and yearbook departments.
In the second quarter of the 2007-08 school year, I taught a group at my school how to build dynamic websites with PHP and MySQL. After they learned the skills, we created the administration interface for version 2 of SeniorQuoter. I strengthened my leadership skills as a project manager.
[[Image:Videre Banner.jpg|thumb|200px]]
[[Videre]] is a project I lead and developed at the [[Gov School|Pennsylvania Governor's Schools of Excellence]] in Information, Society & Technology. Videre is a proof of concept of how online gradebooks can be improved. It extends existing online data and presents it in graphical form, finds trends, and keeps updates clear with email and text message alerts as well as newsfeeds.
Geoov (http://geoov.com) is a cluster based mapping site for flickr.  It uses Google Maps.
[[Image:Tecker Logo.png|thumb|200px]]
[[Tecker]] (http://tecker.net) is a social question and answer service I wrote in PHP during 10th Grade.  Although Tecker never caught on with the public, it was very helpful for me in developing my coding skills and researching online communities.
ThePlaz.com (http://theplaz.com) is my main website. It a centralized repository of what I am up to. It also serves as a place to store my smaller projects, such as pure CSS dropdowns for MediaWiki and applications for the TI-83+ calculator. I also post up educational resources and my thoughts on the world which I hope will benefit others.
ThePlaz.com had more than 1.4 million page views in 2008 and has about 5,000 pages of content.  I also have over 15,000 of my photos on [http://flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets flickr]. Most of my photos and work on ThePlaz.com is licensed under a Creative Commons license, allowing reuse for non commercial purposes.
===Dictionary Robot===
[[Image:Dictionary Robot Logo.png|thumb|200px]]
[[Dictionary Robot]] (http://dictionaryrobot.com) was a prototype which lets students look up multiple words at a time in an online dictionary. It was supposed to revolutionize the way students make vocabulary lists, but I ran out of time for it.
[[Image:ForumsPlace Logo.png|thumb|200px]]
ForumsPlace (http://forumsplace.com) was a community site which SocialView acquired.  ForumsPlace was a forums hosting site that has plans to become much more, but those plans did not work out.
===Tecker 911===
[[Image:Tecker 911 Logo.png|thumb|200px]]
[[Tecker 911]] (http://911.tecker.net) was a video podcast which shows ordinary people how technology can help their ordinary lives.  Tecker 911 was also shown on Haverford’s local cable public access channel, bringing the show to tens of thousands of people. Over the course of 3 years, we produced 100 episodes.  I managed 4-5 contributors with whom I shared writing, directing, and editing duties with.  I was the show's producer.  Tecker 911 was great community service, since we bring technology education to the both the residents of Havertown (on their televisions), and the world (on their computers and iPods).
===The Weekly Spin===
[[The Weekly Spin]] is a weekly podcast I am a contributor on.  We discuss and offer our take on news stories in technology each week.  In the last few episodes we reviewed recent gadgets from CES, talked about the unconsumer-friendly practices of the cell phone industry, and discussed Obama’s pick for attorney general’s ties to the RIAA.  Episodes are available for free download from http://theweeklyspin.com
I was involved in theater in [[HMS|middle school]] and [[9th Grade|high school freshmen year]] with the '''[[Haverford Middle School Theater Co.]]''' and '''[[People’s Light and Theater Company]]''', a professional theater, in Malvern, PA.  In middle school I stage managed the 6th grade production of Wonderland! featuring 100 participants.  In 2004, I acted at the National Constitution Center in one of the only 2 youth shows ever performed there.  Backstage, I volunteered in the lighting department at People’s Light which requires that I effectively communicate with the people who put their lives on the line hanging from a narrow pipe 16 feet off of the ground.
==High School==
*I was the '''CTO of the publications''' (Yearbook and Newspaper) office at my high school.  This job requires that I analyze the requirements of the staff to maintain their computers and network.
*I was a regular host and contributor to '''[[H-Vision]]''', my school’s morning news program.  As a senior member I have a deep relationship with the faculty as I give input in building this growing and developing program.  Next year the program will be expanded into a class; I am assisting the district in building next year's program.
[[Image:484 Robotics Club Logo.jpg|thumb|200px]]
*I was part of my school’s '''[[Team 484|FIRST robotics team]]''' and was one of the few newbies who traveled to the competition in Annapolis, Maryland in [[10th Grade]].  In [[11th Grade]], I remade the team's website (now defunct).
*I was also involved with '''policies regarding technology at my school'''.  I have a deep relationship with the director of technology and the principal of my school.  We meet almost every month to discuss upcoming programs and policies. (Sample: [[Day in the Life]])
*I was the sole '''Student Representative for the School District of Haverford Township Strategic Planning Committee for Technology'''.  The Committee is creating the new 5 year plan for technology use in a $78 million dollar school district.  We are currently designing achievable goals for where the school district should be in 5 years.  The process is made more difficult because the school faces limited funding for technology and almost no professional development time.
==Reading/Watching/Listening List==
*MSNBC Homepage – My favorite general interest news site. 
*Time – I try to read it cover to cover every week.
*Change.gov – Recent announcements from the Barack Obama Transition Team. I find it very interesting how Obama is using the internet to solicit ideas and to allow greater transparency than ever into how our government works.
*NBC Nightly News – I try to watch it as often as possible for a concise run-down of what happened with the world that day.
*The Daily Show – Most segments are spot on at discovering double speak and contradictions with our politicians in Washington.
*ArsTechnica – The top technology news site.  Accurate, technical, and un-biased.
*Security Now – An in-depth technical podcast about security news and technologies like SSL, DNS, and AES.
*Digg – The Digg community votes on the top technology stories from news sites and blogs.
*WinSuperSite and The Windows Weekly podcast– a site reviewing the new announcements from Microsoft fairly and without FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).
*CIO Magazine – Although I do not understand much in it, it gives a good preview of what corporations look for in technology and how they operate.
*INC Magazine and Fast Company – Covers the innovative small businesses.
*Finally, I comment on the most interesting items I find at http://delicious.com/theplaz
==Submission History==
Submitted for:
*[[Governor's School Application]] ([http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=What_I_do&oldid=9939 version])
*[[College Applications]] ([http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=What_I_do&oldid=11560 version])
*Various Intern Apps - I keep updating it!
{{College Applications}}
[[Category:Governor's School Application]]
[[Category:College Applications]]

Latest revision as of 04:21, 5 August 2011