William James and Pragmatisms Debate for American Studies
pragmatism prag·ma·tism \ˈprag-mə-ˌti-zəm\ Function: noun Date: circa 1864
1 : a practical approach to problems and affairs <tried to strike a balance between principles and pragmatism> 2 : an American movement in philosophy founded by C. S. Peirce and William James and marked by the doctrines that the meaning of conceptions is to be sought in their practical bearings, that the function of thought is to guide action, and that truth is preeminently to be tested by the practical consequences of belief — prag·ma·tist Listen to the pronunciation of pragmatist \-mə-tist\ adjective or noun — prag·ma·tis·tic Listen to the pronunciation of pragmatistic \ˌprag-mə-ˈtis-tik\ adjective
Plaz's notes
- mental vs physical (social Darwinism)
- Soul is immortal
- Looking into our minds
- Mental strength
- Experience over fixed strength
- Consciousness of self
- Meaning of ideas are important to their conciseness
- What matters is the result
- not the process (like the ideological)
- Change society - not everyone for themselves
- Human mind changes process
- Can affect Darwin's evolution by adaption (glasses help people see so they are not killed)
- Human mind is capable of fixing problems
- Humans are more powerful of nation
- Can solve problems
- if we put our minds to it we can solve problems
- Read both Encarta articles THEY ARE VERY GOOD!: