American Revolutions Changes DBQ Essay


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American Studies DBQ based off of an old AP exam.


A-/B+ Bad conclusion, should not mention present

Question (in a nut shell)

How did the American Revolution fundamentally change American history. Mention the social, political, and economic factors which took place from 1775 to 1800.

Docs omitted due to copyright concerns


DBQ Outline

  • Political- enlightenment thinking
    • Democracy and rights
    • Rights for women- J
    • Talking about slavery- H
    • Religious freedom (but all of this was mostly talk, resolved over the next 100 years) - D
  • Social
    • Change Rights of Women- J, A
    • Religious freedom- D
    • Ignorance of Indians- C, E
    • Revolution could happen- G
  • Economics
    • Farming is important- F
    • Still merchants however
    • Supported companies and strong paper $ (still today)
    • Alex Hamilton and the bank

DBQ Documents

  • A- Change the Way We Think About Women
  • B- Get rid of Tories
    • Ironic- wanted a republic- but only with their type of people
  • C- We made peace with Indians for a time
    • Continuing point of conflict
  • D- Religious Freedom
  • E- We didn’t make peace with Indians
  • F- Very much an agriculture society
    • Valued hard work (Quakers- PA)
  • G- Farmers revolting- no debt and paper currency
  • H- No slaves in western territories
    • were thinking about it
  • I- Government needed to control people
    • Enlightenment thinking
  • J- Female rights

American Revolution Changes Essay

The American Revolution fundamentally changed American society in a variety of ways. Great political ideas about democracy and the rights of citizens were created and tested during this time. The rights of women and slaves were debated also. Although no much changed for them during this time period, later generations implemented these changes. The revolution tested our economy and our democracy when poor farmers almost revolted over high taxes and little representation. Our government was not perfect, but the framework we created set the stage for hundreds of years of democracy.

(Ran out of Suggested Writing Time of 45 minutes - so short conclusion)


  • Don't refer to present - qu doesn't ask about it
    • I thought present day examples would prove fundamental changes were made
  • Weak conclusion
    • Ran out of time

Doc's Methods for Taking DBQ on AP Exams

  1. Read the question and understand it
  2. Jot down notes on what you know on the subject question
  3. Read the document
  4. Identify your thesis
  5. Plan your answer to use all documents, but not necessarily in the order given
  6. Write for 45 minutes