From ThePlaz.com
6.033 Computer System Engineering is a Course 6 EECS (Engineering) class I took with Frans Kaashoek, Nickolai Zeldovich, and Larry Rudolph as recitation instructor at MIT as a Junior spring semester.
- Open Course Ware from 2009
- Class website: http://web.mit.edu/6.033/www/
Class Review
I really enjoyed this class, despite many people not liking it. The class is not a well-designed system, however. Things have been grafted on (reading, lectures, etc) so it does not make a cohesive whole. The printed textbook is not helpful as all material is covered in class.
Notes Quality
Posted notes which cover most of the lecture content. Did not post all readings.
- Therac Memo, Revised
- DP1: Proposal, TA Comments, Report, Graded
- DP2: Old Assignment, Proposal, Report, Graded, Team Survey