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I'm Michael Plasmeier otherwise known as The Plaz. See where my nickname is from; Self-Branding I am a junior at Haverford High School Haverford Crest small.jpg. See my 11th Grade Schedule. I try my best at school, in part because I am bored with nothing else to do. This year I am leading a Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study to teach 6 other kids PHP/MySQL and work on SeniorQuoter. I've uploaded all of my work from 10th Grade. (see also my Notes Key). I hope that this knowledge will help people less-fortunate then me persevere and succeed. All of my work is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 license, meaning that you may use it and re-post it anywhere as long as you post my name/nickname, provide a link back to my site, and don't make money off my work. For my plans for 12th Grade, as well as prior years, see my High School Long Term Plan

I am also very interested in technology Nuvola apps kcmprocessor.png. I co-founded and am the director of technology for Tecker, [1] a social question and answer service. Tecker Logo.png I host and produce the video netcast Tecker 911 [2] along with some of my friends. Tecker 911 Logo.png Tecker 911 is also shown on our local public access channel Channel 11. I also founded Conflicter, [3] a place for frank discussion about current issues. Conflicter Logo.png Next, I am the founder and primary contributer to SeniorQuoter, [4] an open-source web application for senior quotes collections for high school yearbooks. SeniorQuoter.png I put together [[Teckcasts] [5], a podcast channel which combines w3life, Tecker 911, and [SJTechZone. I am currently coding Dictionary Robot [6], an upcoming site which lets users look up a bunch of words at once (great for vocab lists!). My most poplar project, is GridView [7], an app for Facebook which lets you add the profile pics of all of you're friends to your Facebook profile. As I wrote this, I have 100,000 users! In 8th and 9th Grades I wrote bunch of programs for the TI-83+. You can see them below. One of them, to help in IAG/IMP 4, is FERRIS, which I am selling for $4.99. A few years ago I was a mid-level contributor on Wikipedia Wikipedia-logo.png. I also made some improvements for MediaWiki, the software that runs ThePlaz.com and Wikipedia. The drop down menu in the site notice is one of the best.

Below, see some of my 20,000 digital photos I have, videos I made, my collection of student tools, and quotes and reviews of some of ThePlaz.com services

I have some Personal Philosophies including that Stereotypes are Based in Facts, English should be the primary world language and that Privacy is Dead. For English 10, I wrote about The Essential Separation Between Church and State. In English 9, I wrote about the dangers of Hazing. See also my Site Mission Statement.

So welcome to my site, feel free to look around. And it's a wiki, so feel free to hit "edit" on the top of nearly every page if you have something important to add. If it's nonsense, I will just remove it.

See ThePlaz's Biography

Write your own description about me Post it anywhere on the site and I will find it