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I'm Michael Plasmeier otherwise known as The Plaz. See where my nickname is from; Self-Branding I am a junior at Haverford High School Haverford Crest small.jpg. See my 11th Grade Schedule. I try my best at school, in part because I am bored with nothing else to do. This year I am leading a Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study to teach 6 other kids PHP/MySQL and work on SeniorQuoter. I've uploaded all of my work from 10th Grade. (see also my Notes Key). I hope that this knowledge will help people less-fortunate than me persevere and succeed. All of my work is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 license, meaning that you may use it and re-post it anywhere as long as you post my name/nickname, provide a link back to my site, and don't make money off my work. For my plans for 12th Grade, as well as prior years, see my High School Long Term Plan

I am also very interested in technology Nuvola apps kcmprocessor.png. I co-founded and am the director of technology for Tecker, [1] a social question and answer service. Tecker Logo.png I host and produce the video netcast Tecker 911 [2] along with some of my friends. Tecker 911 Logo.png Tecker 911 is also shown on our local public access channel Channel 11. I also founded Conflicter, [3] a place for frank discussion about current issues. Conflicter Logo.png Next, I am the founder and primary contributer to SeniorQuoter, [4] an open-source web application for senior quotes collections for high school yearbooks. SeniorQuoter.png I put together [[Teckcasts] [5], a podcast channel which combines w3life, Tecker 911, and [SJTechZone. I am currently coding Dictionary Robot [6], an upcoming site which lets users look up a bunch of words at once (great for vocab lists!). My most poplar project, is GridView [7], an app for Facebook which lets you add the profile pics of all of you're friends to your Facebook profile. As I wrote this, I have 100,000 users! In 8th and 9th Grades I wrote bunch of programs for the TI-83+. You can see them below. One of them, to help in IAG/IMP 4, is FERRIS, which I am selling for $4.99. A few years ago I was a mid-level contributor on Wikipedia Wikipedia-logo.png. I also made some improvements for MediaWiki, the software that runs ThePlaz.com and Wikipedia. The drop down menu in the site notice is one of the best. I also contribute regularly to LeetSpeek [8], an audio podcast about the current state of the technology industry.

Below, see some of my 20,000 digital photos I have, videos I made, my collection of student tools, and quotes and reviews of some of ThePlaz.com services

I have some Personal Philosophies including that Stereotypes are Based in Facts, English should be the primary world language and that Privacy is Dead. For English 10, I wrote about The Essential Separation Between Church and State. In English 9, I wrote about the dangers of Hazing. See also my Site Mission Statement.

So welcome to my site, feel free to look around. And it's a wiki, so feel free to hit "edit" on the top of nearly every page if you have something important to add. If it's nonsense, I will just remove it.

See ThePlaz's Biography

Write your own description about me Post it anywhere on the site and I will find it