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[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 10/6/2007 Personal Message
labeltext=Search [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFPAGES}} pages]] (and growing):
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Hey everyone!  [[11th Grade]] is about 1/8th over.  I haven't posted any of my non-typed work online.  It looks like I won't have the time for that this year.  May be I'll get someone else to do it, or do it eventually.
[[GridView]], my app for [[Facebook]] I wrote on the last day of [[10th Grade]] in about 5 hours now has over '''250,000 THOUSAND''' users with a current growth rate of about '''5,000 new users every day''''!!!!!  GridView lets you add all your friends profile pics to you Facebook profile for you and your profile visitors to see.  I was totally blown away by the popularity.  We're also rolling out GridView Mosaic, which creates a photo mosaic of your profile picture, with your friend's profile photos making up the tiles.  I am rolling this out to users as fast as I can; I'm having some scalability issues now.
[[Tecker 911]] just had a booth at [[Haverford Township Day]].  We were selling DVDs of the first 25 episodes, and raising local awareness for the show.  We also hosted a live technology question and answer session.  7 people asked their tech questions to us.  You can catch Episode 30, some time in the the future.  Meanwhile, you can catch photos of our booth and Haverford Township Day 2007 on [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157602288254634/ Flickr].
20 episodes of [[Tecker 911]] are out.  Check out the [http://911.tecker.net Tecker 911] website.
My [[Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study]] starts in about a month.  I've planned out the first 25 days so far, the part where I teach PHP and MySQL.  I'm excited.  Potential participants, remember to file your paperwork!  [[SeniorQuoter]] is being used by our school this year, and is already reducing the work load on the yearbook department.  Plus, I recived word that at least one other school is using SeniorQuoter to ease the collection of their senior quotes.
My new computer is really sweet!  It's a [http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/computer_can_series.do?storeName=computer_store&category=desktops&a1=Usage&v1=High+performance&series_name=m8100y_series HP Pavilion Media Center m8100y] with 4GB RAM, a [http://www.intel.com/products/processor/core2quad/index.htm Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600] processor, and a 22" monitor.  We got it all for less then $USD 1,400 (+tax) after getting $480 in discounts!  It really runs fast.  The only time I maxed out the processor is when encoding h.264 video for iPods.  Otherwise, the hard drive is the bottle neck for the computer.
[[Dictionary Robot]], my tool to help you look up a bunch of words at once is stalled.  GridView took off, school started, and I am working on a secret project for someone who is paying cash for me to code for them.  Because I need cash, I have to work on that at this time, at the expense of working on some of my other stuff.
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]''--[[User:Theplaz|Theplaz]] 18:21, 6 October 2007 (EDT)
:''[http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates Subscribe via RSS feed],
[http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=786542 Subscribe via email], [[Old Updates|See past updates]]''
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<div style="position: relative; top: -.05em; font-size: 95%;">the site for all things '''[[User:ThePlaz|Michael Plasmeier]]''' ([[My Nicknames|ThePlaz]])</div></div>
<div style="position: relative; top: -.05em; font-size: 95%;">the site for all things '''[[User:ThePlaz|Michael Plasmeier]]''' ([[My Nicknames|ThePlaz]])</div></div>
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This site is a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki wiki].  That means that anybody (including YOU) can edit and change the information found here. ([[Help:Wiki Markup Cheatsheet|Editing help]])</p>
This site is a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki wiki].  That means that anybody (including YOU) can edit and change the information found here. ([[Help:Wiki Markup Cheatsheet|Editing help]])</p>
<p style="clear:both; margin:0 0 0 0; margin-bottom:.2em; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;">My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life.  <small>([[Mission Statement|Site Mission Statement]])</small></p>  
<p style="clear:both; margin:0 0 0 0; margin-bottom:.2em; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;">My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life.  <small>([[Mission Statement|Site Mission Statement]])</small></p>  
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[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 6/9/2009 ThePlaz.com Roundup
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I've graduated from [[Haverford High School|high school]]!  ([http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157619434958955/ pictures on flickr])  It has not really sunk in yet; it just feels like a normal summer vacation.  I am sad to be leaving my friends behind.  In addition, I tried out to give the commencement speech, but Chris Denny won.  You can [[:Image:Graduation Speech.doc|read my speech online]].
Our Senior Prank was regarded as the best ever.  Even the Principal joined in.  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VPl5d6K7c8 Watch the YouTube video]
Up until the last minute, I was involved with [[Haverford High School]].  With 3 other students, I wrote a [http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ah57cjpv95pz_2d5dbb7ch new technology policy draft] and presented it to the superintendent.  I have an opinion/editorial in the school newspaper, The Fordian.  I hear that the school is using my policy as a base for changes next year, and that they are currently planning a 3-month test period.  Plans, however, are not finalized.  The best part, however, was to [[On Activism|pass on a tradition of activism]] to the 3 other students.  I am also staying in touch on the new TV studio.
I did my Senior Project on [[:Image:Senior Project.doc|Electronic Voting Machine Insecurity]].  Check out the very extensive 26-page paper and the [[:Image:Electronic Voting Machine Insecurity.ppt|PowerPoint presentation]].  I covered this topic from almost every angle and found that constant vigilance is needed to protect this fragile system.
All of the OneNote Notebooks from [[12th Grade]] are now online. Unfortunately, they only works in Internet Explorer and Opera, because of the method I use.  (Come on Microsoft!)
I got a new desktop!  My old desktop, an [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/3588140890/in/set-72157619121772802/ Inspiron 600m] from [[8th Grade]] was no longer able to chug through Facebook JavaScript.  In addition, because I will be going away soon, I needed my own high powered desktop to be able to edit HD video and manage all of my files.  I purchased a new [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157619121772802/ Dell Inspiron 537 desktop].  It has an Intel Q9400 2.66GHz Quad-Core processor and 4GB of RAM.  I bought 2 20" Dell displays and a dual DVI ATI graphics card to handle them.  I installed Windows 7 RC 64-bit.  It was all about $1000, and well worth it!  [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157619121772802/ Pictures on Flickr].
Next year, I will be at [http://mit.edu MIT]! ''([[Why MIT]])''  I've already signed up for the housing lottery, taken an essay placement test, and put down 5 options for an advising seminar.  I most want to get into [http://student.mit.edu/cgi-data/fas/Freshman_Advising_Seminars_A-J.html#6_A53 6.A53 Entrepreneurship and China] since you learn about global entrepreneurship and get to take a 1 month trip to China for $1000.  I am also interested in [http://student.mit.edu/cgi-data/fas/Freshman_Advising_Seminars_K-Z.html#6_A54 learning more about the electric grid (6.A54)], [http://student.mit.edu/cgi-data/fas/Freshman_Advising_Seminars_K-Z.html#15_A03 operations research (15.A03)], and [http://student.mit.edu/cgi-data/fas/Freshman_Advising_Seminars_A-J.html#MAS_A19 designing consumer electronics at the Media Lab (MAS.A19)].  Finally, I may get the opportunity to have Walter Bender, the director of the OLPC UI "Sugar", as my adviser in [http://student.mit.edu/cgi-data/fas/Freshman_Advising_Seminars_A-J.html#MAS_A12 Games, Puzzlers, and Other Things to Think With (MAS.A12)].
Remember, I am on [http://theweeklyspin.com The Weekly Spin] where my friends and I talk about the most interesting technology stories each week.  [http://theweeklyspin.com/feed Subscribe to the weekly audio]
I will be going to New York City tomorrow, look for (geotagged) pictures!  Meanwhile, look for pictures from [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157618295521515/ Dorney Park], and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157618778975428/ my families' Prius taken apart] to clean.
Lastly, I am planning on redesigning the CSS drop down menu for ThePlaz.com.  It was one of the first things I coded 4 years ago. It works on some browsers, but breaks on others.  I can do better.
-[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 22:04, 9 June 2009 (EDT)
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]'', ''[http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates Subscribe via RSS feed], ''[http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=786542 Subscribe via email]'', ''[[Old Updates|See past updates]]''
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[[Image:Haverford Crest small.jpg|30px]] [[New Tech Policy|HHS New Tech Policy Proposal]]
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[[Image:Nuvola apps kpovmodeler.png|30px]] [[AP Physics]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Science|(Science)]]''</span> <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:AP_Physics&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Nuvola USA flag.png|30px]] [[AP US Government]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[History|(History)]]''</span> <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:AP_US_Government&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Nuvola_apps_package_wordprocessing.png|30px]] [[English 12]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[English|(English)]]''</span> <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:English_12&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Nuvola apps kbrunch.png|30px]] [[Calculus]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Math|(Math)]]''</span> <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:Calculus&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Nuvola apps edu languages.png|30px]] [[AP Psychology]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Psychology|(Psychology)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*[http://siggyappsy.pbwiki.com/ Teacher's Site] with review questions and notes
*[[LoveSick Erica Character Analysis]] Summer Reading
*[[AP Psychology Practice Question: Chapter 1: Experiments]]
*[[AP Psychology Chapter 4 Review]]
*Scholarly Papers Review
**[[Fitts' Law]]
**[[Union Steward's Self Confidence]]
**[[September 11th's Self Perceived Benefits]]
*[[Chapter 11 Assessment]]
*[[Snow White and the 7 Psychological Disorders]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola apps package editors.png|30px]] [[AP Micro Econ]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Economics|(Economics)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*'''[[Micro Economics|See Notes]]'''
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola apps bug.png|30px]] [[Biology]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Science|(Science)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*[http://www.havsd.net/~vpollard/ Teacher's Website]
*[[Biology Key Concepts]]
*[[Properties of Water: Penny Lab]]
*[[Antony van Leeuwenhoek]]
*[[Islands of Adventure is like a Cell]]
*[[Chapter 11: Intro to Genetics Study Guide]]
*[[:Image:Biology 12.1 Study Guide.doc|12.1 DNA]], [[:Image:Biology 12.2 and 12.3 Study Guide.doc|12.2 DNA Replication and 12.3 RNA Study Guides]]
*[[Chap 15 Darwin and Evolution Study Guide]]
*[[Chromosome 14 - Alzheimer Disease]]
*[[:Image:Meiosis Web Worksheet.pdf|Meiosis Web Worksheet]]
*[[:Image:Biology Evolution Notes.jpg|Evolution Notes]]
*[[:Image:Biology Classification Notes.png|Classification Notes]]
*[[:Image:Animals Found During Creek Exploration.pdf|Animals found During Creek Exploration]]
*[[:Image:Biology Final Review.jpg|Final Review (highlights from all chapters)]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola apps kmplot.png|30px]] [[PreCalc]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Math|(Math)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*[[:Image:PreCalc_Syllabus_Page_1.JPG|Syllabus]], [[:Image:PreCalc_Syllabus_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:PreCalc IS4 Identitiy Sheet Page 1.JPG|Identity Sheet]], [[:Image:PreCalc_Identity_Sheet_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:PreCalc_Unit_Circle.JPG|Unit Circle]]
*[[:Image:PreCalc_Forumals_Sheet_Page_1.JPG|Forumals Sheet]], [[:Image:PreCalc_Forumals_Sheet_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]]
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 1|Chap 1: Functions]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 2 Part 1|Chap 2 Part 1: Polynomials]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 2 Part 2|Chap 2 Part 2: Rational Functions]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 3|Chap 3: Exponential and Log Functions]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 6|Chap 6: Vectors]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 7|Chap 7: Multivariable Systems]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 8|Chap 8: Sequences and Series]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Chap 9|Chap 9: Analytical Geometry]]'''
*'''[[:Category:PreCalc Final Review|Final Review]]'''
=====Chap 4=====
''(independent study)''
*[[:Image:Chapter_4_Test_Topics.JPG|Test Topics]]
*[[:Image:Chapter_4_Review_Page_1.JPG|Review]], [[:Image:Chapter_4_Review_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]], [[:Image:Chapter_4_Review_Page_3.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:Chapter_4_Review_2_Page_1.JPG|Review 2]], [[:Image:Chapter_4_Review_2_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]]
*Independent Study Withheld
*[[:Image:PreCalc_Chap_4_Part_2_More_Pratice_Page_1.JPG|Part 2 More Practice]], [[:Image:PreCalc_Chap_4_Part_2_More_Pratice_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]]
*[[:Image:PreCalc_Chap_4_Part_2_More_Pratice_After_Test_Page_1.JPG|Part 2 After Test]], [[:Image:PreCalc_Chap_4_Part_2_More_Pratice_After_Test_Page_2.JPG|Page 2]]
=====Chap 5=====
''(independent study)''
*Independent Study Withheld
=====Chap 5/6=====
''(independent study)''
*Independent Study Withheld
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola USA flag.png|30px]] [[American Studies]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[History|(History)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*'''[[American Studies/Projects|Projects]]'''
*'''[[American Studies/Projects|Notes]]''' from Out of Many Textbook
*'''[http://www.teachingsolutions.org/ftce.html FTCE test]''' : FTCE test failure reveals how to rip through the FTCE test.
:''developed [[Headline Notetaking Format]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola USA flag pen.png|30px]] [[English 11]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[English|(English)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*[[Puritans in a New World: The Setting of The Scarlet Letter]]
*[[The Forest in The Scarlet Letter]]
*[[Pearl: A Byproduct of Sin]]
*[[Religion: Then and Now Group Project]]
*[[Grapes of Wrath Chapter 13]]
*[[Uncertainty in The Grapes of Wrath]]
*[[Think for Yourself: The Fallacy of Organized Religion in Huck Finn]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola apps edu mathematics.png|30px]] [[IAG 4H]]
[[Image:Nuvola apps edu mathematics.png|30px]] [[IAG 4H]]
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*Worldwide: [[World Cultures Portfolio/T-Shirt Trade|T-Shirt Trade Report]]
*Worldwide: [[World Cultures Portfolio/T-Shirt Trade|T-Shirt Trade Report]]
'''[[:Category:World Cultures Comparison Project|Comparisons (Final) Project on Globalization]] ([[World Cultures Comparison Project/Paper|Paper]], [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3871362050347401130&hl=en Video])'''
'''[[:Category:World Cultures Comparison Project|Comparisons (Final) Project on Globalization]] ([[World Cultures Comparison Project/Paper|Paper]], [[Globalization Video|Video]])'''
*[[:Category:Pitts Article|Pitts Article]]
*[[:Category:Pitts Article|Pitts Article]]
*[[World Cultures News Articles|Category News Articles Project]]
*[[World Cultures News Articles|Category News Articles Project]]
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*[[:Category:IAG Power|IAG Power Worksheets]]
*[[:Category:IAG Power|IAG Power Worksheets]]
*[[:Category:IAG 3H PSSA Practice|IAG 3H PSSA Practice]]
*[[:Category:IAG 3H PSSA Practice|IAG 3H PSSA Practice]]
*[[:Category:IAG 3H Tests|Sample Test and Quizzes]]
<!--*[[:Category:IAG 3H Tests|Sample Test and Quizzes]]-->
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*[[:Image:Latin Nurse Poster.pdf|Latin in Nursing Interview Poster (PDF)]], [[:Image:Latin Nurse Poster.doc|(Word)]]
*[[:Image:Latin Nurse Poster.pdf|Latin in Nursing Interview Poster (PDF)]], [[:Image:Latin Nurse Poster.doc|(Word)]]
*Basic [[Latin Timeline]]
*Basic [[Latin Timeline]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Money-256x256.png|30px]] [[Entrepreneurship]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Business|(Business)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
{{OneNote Site|entrepreneurship}}
*[[:Image:InstantClinic Business Plan.pdf|Business Plan]] (and [[:Image:InstantClinic Presentation.pptx|Presentation]]) for InstantClinic - a convenience health care clinic
*[[:Image:Mark Zuckerberg.ppt|Mark Zuckerberg Presentation]]
*[[:Image:Build'A Pizza.pptx|Build A Pizza - Pizza Chain Business]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola apps personal.png|30px]] [[Business Law]]
<span class="subject" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Business|(Business)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
{{OneNote Site|businesslaw}}
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola apps amarok.png|30px]] [[Pop Music]] <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:10pt; margin:5px 0 0 7px;">''[[Music Classes|(Music)]]''</span>
<div style="padding:6px;">
*[[Pop Music#Unit 0: Intro|Unit 0: Intro]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 1: Elements|Unit 1: Elements]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 2: Roots of Rock|Unit 2: Roots of Rock]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 3: Vocal Harmony and the Producer|Unit 3: Vocal Harmony and the Producer]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 4: British Invasion; Folk and Rock|Unit 4: British Invasion; Folk and Rock]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 5: Counterculture and the Present|Unit 5: Counterculture and the Present]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
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[[Image:Nuvola apps kuser.png|30px]] ''[[Template:Main_Page:About|About Me]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:About&action=edit edit]</span>
[[Image:Nuvola apps kuser.png|30px]] ''[[Template:Main_Page:About|About Me]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:About&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Tecker 911 Logo.png|110px]] ''[http://911.tecker.net Tecker 911]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Drop_Down:Tecker_911&action=edit edit]</span>
[[Image:Tecker 911 Logo.png|110px]] ''[http://911.tecker.net Tecker 911]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Drop_Down:Tecker_911&action=edit edit]</span>  
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These are things I wrote for this site, but not required school work or are not tech things.
These are things I wrote for this site, but not required school work or are not tech things.
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[[Image:Nuvola apps knotes.png|30px]] ''[[Template:Main_Page:Notes|Notes]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:Notes&action=edit edit]</span>
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Revision as of 23:10, 19 July 2009

Welcome to ThePlaz.com

the site for all things Michael Plasmeier (ThePlaz)

This site is a wiki. That means that anybody (including YOU) can edit and change the information found here. (Editing help)

My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life. (Site Mission Statement)

Leave Plaz a (public) message File icon.gif or send me a (private) e-mail.Mail icon.gif

Haverford Crest small.jpg HHS New Tech Policy Proposal edit

In spring 2009, I was trying to get Haverford High School to change its policy to allow cell phones and iPods during select times during the day.

I believe that the next year, the school allowed cell phones and iPods during lunch and study hall.

Nuvola apps kpovmodeler.png AP Physics (Science) edit

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola USA flag.png AP US Government (History) edit

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps package wordprocessing.png English 12 (English) edit

Nuvola apps kbrunch.png Calculus (Math) edit

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps edu languages.png AP Psychology (Psychology)

Nuvola apps package editors.png AP Micro Econ (Economics)

Nuvola apps bug.png Biology (Science)

Nuvola apps kmplot.png PreCalc (Math)

Nuvola USA flag.png American Studies (History)

  • Projects
  • Notes from Out of Many Textbook
  • FTCE test : FTCE test failure reveals how to rip through the FTCE test.
developed Headline Notetaking Format

Nuvola USA flag pen.png English 11 (English)

Nuvola apps edu mathematics.png IAG 4H (Math)

Nuvola apps edu science.png Chemistry (Science)

Nuvola apps package network.png World Cultures (History)

Nuvola apps korganizer.png AP Macro Economics (Economics)

Nuvola apps file-manager.png English 10 (English)

Nuvola apps kig.png IAG 3H (Math)

Nuvola apps bookcase.png English 9 (English)

Nuvola apps kverbos.png Western Civ (History)



Maps and Creative
French Revolution Napoleon-peque.jpg

Essays and Reports

Nuvola apps edu phi.png IPS (Science)

Nuvola apps kcalc.png IAG 2H and IAG 1H (Math)

Nuvola apps kate.png Latin

Latin 3


Double Entry Journals have 2 components: What I Learned (a summery), and Personal Response (a reflection)

Latin 2

  1. Roman Travel Project
  2. Sejanus
  3. Echo and Narcissus Myth
  4. The Journey of the Hero

Latin 1

Money-256x256.png Entrepreneurship (Business)

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps personal.png Business Law (Business)

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps amarok.png Pop Music (Music)

Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png Other edit

Nuvola apps kuser.png About Me edit

Michael Plasmeier Spring 2009 Narrow.JPG
Michael Plasmeier
Yahoo APM: Membership and Geo Platforms

My name is Michael Plasmeier, but almost everyone calls me Plaz. I am a Associate Product Manager at Yahoo - working on the Membership and Geo-related platforms teams. I graduated from MIT in 2013 in Computer Science and Management. I am halfway between the tech and the business world, doing both web development and product development. My interest in doing both started while I was working on GridView, an app I built after 10th Grade that reached 1.3 million users on Facebook.


Last IAP, I was a Software Development Extern doing testing in Ruby on the back end at CardSpring. Last summer, I was Product Manager at Disney Parks and Resorts Online where I worked on a project for Disney Cruise Line. Last January, I worked in management/strategy consulting at Altman Vilandrie & Company. The previous summer, I was a web developer at NextJump, an online affiliate advertising firm in New York. Prior to that, I was an extern in the Office of the Chief Scientist at State Street. My freshman summer I worked at Deutsche Bahn, the German national railroad, where I designed the smartphone version Touch&Travel, an app that lets you pay for the train with your phone.


At MIT I was heavily involved in classes, usually taking 7 classes a term, while being involved in student government. (I wrote about how I do it in Working out a System.) senior was dedicated to wrapping up requirements. Junior year at MIT I focused on EECS classes, as well as being elected president of Baker House. My second year at MIT focused on management classes. I was also involved in the vendor selection and implementation of the new dining plan. Freshman year, I took core classes and served on the Athena and Printing Committee. (I wrote about just hanging on freshmen year in Learning to Learn.)


I built a lot of web projects in high school. My most popular project, was GridView [1], an app for Facebook which lets you add the profile pics of all of you're friends to your Facebook profile. GridView had over 1.3 million users and made me some money.

I hosted and produced the video podcast Tecker 911 [2] along with some of my friends. Tecker 911 was a series of 100 5-15 minute shows each which covers a technology topic in a way which is relevant for ordinary people, with a focus towards students and our community. Tecker 911 was also shown on our local public access channel Channel 11.

I started SeniorQuoter, [3] an open-source web application for senior quotes collections for high school yearbooks. In 11th Grade, I lead a Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study at my high school. I helped 4 other students learn PHP and MySQL and then I project managed version 2 of SeniorQuoter, the administration interface.

Tecker and Conflicter were question and answer services I built in 10th Grade. They never really caught on, but they were the perfect way to learn PHP. Dictionary Robot is something I tarted last year, but abandoned later. In 10th Grade, I was a member of Team 484 and in 11th Grade I was their webmaster.

In 8th and 9th Grades I wrote bunch of programs for the TI-83+.


My first two years at MIT, I was a regular on The Weekly Spin, a weekly take on tech stories and tech policy.

On my Tech page I have had a few pages about Devices I own and other small things that I have built. For example, I also made some improvements for MediaWiki, the software that runs ThePlaz.com and Wikipedia. I made a new skin for MediaWiki and a few MediaWiki extensions

Other Accounts

I also tag a lot of stories on Delicious. I also have over 70,000 photos on Flickr. I Tweet kinda regularly. I also post things to YouTube. And of course I have a Facebook. It all comes together on my FriendFeed.

Nuvola apps laptop pcmcia.png Student Tools edit

Nuvola apps knewsticker.png News edit

ThePlaz in often mentioned or interviewed in the news

MIT Dining
Baker Piano Drop
Tecker 911
ThePlaz.com Praise
  • Sam's Praise about my site
  • Baron Harkonnen's Thanks
  • Thanks for uploading Flickr photos
  • Uses Many ThePlaz.com Wiki features
  • A Drexel professor told me on the first day of class that I take very good notes and I would graduate suma cum laude from Harvard due to the quality of my notes at Gov School
  • Hi I saw your page about that download for the ferris wheel unit for IMP4, I didn't download it but even the info you had on the page helped me out. I have no idea what I'm doing and just started this year- i really get stuck on my homework EVERY night. Right now im working on HW 2 "As the ferris wheel turns" and i have no idea what I'm doing. But i just wanted to say thanks cause I'm gonna download that once I'm farther into the unit!--A Facebook user (J. S.)
  • Just wanted to let you know: I stole your headline method of note taking from your website and it is completely saving my life in American Studies. -Rebecca C.
  • Hey, you do have one of the best designed websites I have seen lately. Good job. A little flashy, but still functional. --Email comment 8/18/2010

Nuvola apps multimedia.png Video edit

Tecker 911 Logo.png Tecker 911 edit

Nuvola filesystems camera.png Photos edit

Haverford High School

(need to update)

Pictures on the Wikimedia Commons

TI-83--rotated.png TI-83+ Stuff edit

Nuvola apps kcmprocessor.png Tech Stuff edit

I am a lot into technology. Here are links to some of my web sites as well as modifications and how-to articles about other software.

My Websites
MediaWiki Tweaks

Nuvola apps gaim.png Miscellaneous edit

Nuvola apps remote.png Site Statistics edit

For up-to-date info see Special:Statistics

There are 6,499 total pages in the database, including 1,578 pages in the main namespace and 5,000 files uploaded. These counts do not include OneNote notebooks on minisites or SkyDrive, and count multi-page files (PDF and Word) as one page.

There have been a total of 5,163,449 page views, and 16,470 page edits since ThePlaz.com was setup. That comes to 2.53 average edits per page, and 313.51 views per edit.