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[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 6/26/2011 Mega Personal Update Summer back to January
[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 11/23/2011 Thanksgiving Personal Update
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I am sitting in New York City writing my end of semester update more than a month and a half lateThis update was actually written on 3 different days over 2 weeks…  Updates are also getting longer and longer…  This update covers this summer back to January/IAP and is the first to have subheadings....
Well it’s the day before Thanksgiving and I am on the [http://megabus.com MegaBus] back home to PhiladelphiaSo far we are only an hour and a quarter late.
[[File:Brass Rat Delivery.jpg|200px]] [[File:2013 Brass Rat.jpg|200px]]
It’s been a busy semester at school.  I’m in 7 classes (84) units.  3 of the classes are Course 6 (EECS) classes. [[6.034]] is Artificial Intelligence.  It’s fun to learn about the methods, but the exams are pretty much an exercise in how closely you can simulate an algorithm.  [[6.005]] is an introduction to programming in Java.  It’s fun to get exposure in Java, but the P-Sets are an exercise in closely following the directions.  Consequently I play it safe, instead of trying new things.  [[6.004]] is my favorite class this semester.  We are building a computer from the CMOS gates up to the assembly language code that runs the machine.  Chris Terman has awesome slides as always.
I received my class ring, the "Brass Rat".
I am in two management classes this semester, both for fun/knowledge as opposed to a requirement.  [[15.387]] is a class in how to be a sales man.  I don’t want to do that job, but the same strategies to identify needs, convince people, and solve complex problems are good anywhere.  [[15.665]] is a class on how to negotiate.  I mostly did the class for taking part in the negotiation simulations.  I’ve noticed using skills I used in the class in real life.
I am also in [[18.03|18.03 Differential Equations]].  Despite my efforts, I am struggling in that class, as I have been in every math class at MITThe class moves very fast; I’m barely able to understand something till the class moves on.
This summer, I am working at [[NextJump]][http://nextjunp.com], an online affiliate advertising firm. Their main business is running corporate perks websites.  For example: "since you work at IBM you get 10% off Avis car rental."  They recently launched their first direct to consumer site, [http://oo.com OO.com].  I like working at NextJump so far.  It has gotten me back to coding, which I have not seriously done for a while.  On the train in the morning, I am skimming over [http://www.amazon.com/Code-Craft-Practice-Writing-Excellent/dp/1593271190 CodeCraft] and the examples feel much more real.  I also like the integration with business - my "pod" or team is "cross-functional" and I sit next to business people.  I also really like how NextJump gets their employees involved in product designEvery 2 weeks they everyone in the company participates in a 3-hour brainstorming session; I'd just wish everyone was as existed about it as I am.  They also have weekly whole company meetings.  I think these really work and are worth the time.
I realize now how unusual my arrangement was last summer at [[Deutsche Bahn]] - sitting next to a business person and starting out a big projectI wish I had a bit more of a product design role here, but in tech recruiting it seems that if you can code, you're a coderI also have not yet had the chance to make the transformative impact like at Deutsche Bahn, but that is because I am doing my assigned work and I am surrounded by people who are also at the top of their game. Still I try to rock the boat a bit to aim towards a better product.  
[[STS.011]] is a lot of funIt is my first HASS-D and it is part of my STS concentration.  The class is about controversies in science and technologyIt got off to a difficult start, but it is now moving into more concrete interesting topics.  Next week’s lecture is on how [http://www.amazon.com/Addiction-Design-Machine-Gambling--Formation/dp/0691127557/ slot machines are addictive].  That should be very interesting.  I am researching [[Net Neutrality]] for the class.   I think the class could be better if the professor could specify a bit more clearly what he is looking for.  
The office environment at NextJump is much better than DB and [[State Street]].  The free food, free laundry service, and fully stocked gym certainly help.  I think connect with my coworkers more; there is no language barrier (unlike DB) and they are my age (unlike State Street)I can also spend time with them, unlike last summer where I lived with relatives over an hour away.
I also continue to serve on the [[House Dining Committee|dining committee]].  MIT started its new all-you-can-eat mandatory dining plan this year.  Reviews for the new service are mixed.  I am personally bummed they took out made-to-order stir-fryOther dorms have it, just not Baker.  In addition, the price is between 50-300% higher, depending on how you look at it.
====New York City====
On the [[UA Committee on Student Life]], I am working on putting together an Institute-wide resource guide for students.  We currently have buy-in from across the Institute; we now need to put it together.
I am still [[Baker VPFS]].  We bought a new projector which should be a lot of fun.
I am also really enjoying living in New York City.  I am living at the School of Visual Art's [[101 Ludlow St]].  It's a brand new building; it was built in 2009.  I am on the 18th floor and I have a view of the Williamsburg bridge and the constant 24-hour traffic flowing across itI am in the middle of the "hip" Lower East Side neighborhood.  Unfortunately my housing lasts only 8 weeks of my 10 week internship.  I still need to find something for the last 2 weeks.  Plus the dorm furniture makes me miss the Baker furniture.  The all metal bed squeaks at the slightest movement and the chair is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever sat on.
The [[Athena Committee|Pharos hold-and-release printing system]] was installed at MIT this semester.  I was on the committee freshman year which recommended the new systemFirst numbers show a 50% drop in pages printed and many students actually prefer the new system – so I think we have a win-win here.
Still I have spent much of my 2 weeks that I've been here exploring Manhattan.  I walk home most days, covering the 33 blocks  in about 40 minutes.  It actually takes me 20 minutes by subway, in comparison, since it keeps stopping due to heavy train traffic.  I've been to [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627053209450/ Wall Street], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627053199326/ Times Square], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157626928504617/ the High Line], and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157626928524555/ Propect Park in Brooklyn]. On the weekends I am meeting up with friends from home and MIT.  I went to the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627053106602/ Statue of Liberty last weekend with Ted].
I am the undergrad representative on [[MITCET]], the MIT Council on Educational Technology. This is interesting because many of the senior members of MIT are on the committee.  I disagree with the focus on modularity this year. I think it’s unrealistic and possibly not even desirable. I called one of their proposals a complete waste of money, at best – I think we’re off to a good start!
I've also subscribed to [http://economist.com The Economist] for 12 weeks under their 12 weeks for 12 dollars programYesterday I just sat in the comfortable basement armchairs and read - without anyone bothering me - must have been a Saturday night...  I like sitting back and not working on much.  I also like that NextJump is giving me the resources to live fairly comfortably in NYC.  Unfortunately MIT will "tax" much of that money at 50% - by pulling it off my financial aid for senior year.  I would also appreciate settling down and not having to move so often.  Then I could rely on real furniture - not cheap-o squeaky dorm furniture.
For IAP, I have been placed in an externship at [[Altman Vilandrie & Company]], a telecommunications strategy consulting company in Boston.  I was selected for one of two slots from among 12 applicants.  I hope I have a good experience this [[IAP]].  I actually have the same HR contact who now works at AltVil as I did last year at [[State Street]].
I have also been working on side projects at night.  I've fixed up [[Baker House]]'s voting system - fixing some bugs and adding new features.  I next want to upgrade my wiki, re-do my dad's website and build a summer mail system for Baker.
I started my search for a job this summer early this semester.  I wanted to get this done early, so I could not worry about it later.  In addition, some companies only have a certain number of positions, which fill up.  I was offered a Project Management internship at [[Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online]] in located Glendale, CA, along with [[Imagineering]].  Parks and Resorts Online runs the public facing information and sales websites for Disney parks and other travel offerings.  I took the job because I want to do Project Management and they might have an opportunity to work on cool stuff, like I did freshmen summer at [[Deutsche Bahn]].  I’m not looking forward to arranging living in L.A.  No landlord wants to rent out a property for just 3 months – they want the promise of an open-ended lease, or at least a year.  Plus either getting a car, or doing without one in LA will be a big hassle.
So far in New York, I have met many of my friends from back home and MIT - 10 friend interactions so far in 2 weeks for a rate of 5 interactions/weekI am also hoping to see some Broadway showsI really want to see [http://spidermanonbroadway.marvel.com/ Spiderman] because I love technical theater. Many things go on only in New York. I was walking home from work and I stumbled into the [http://h41112.www4.hp.com/promo/webos/us/en/tablet/touchpad.html HP TouchPad] launch party at Best Buy.
====CA trip====
Shortly after I wrote my last update, my family and I visited CaliforniaWe saw [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627560510523/ Sequoia National Park], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627560563045/ King's Canyon], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627560573485/ Yosemite], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627738231944/ San Fransisco], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627614308159/ Stanford], and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157627614311517/ the Pacific Coastal Highway].  It was a lot of fun to go and see Silicon Valley and San Francisco.  This brings me to 74,000+ items on [http://flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets Flickr].
====MIT Classes====
====House flooding====
I am now halfway through undergraduate years at MITI took 8 classes this term - well I dropped one to listener, although I still attendedI always had to think a little when someone asked me what classes I was taking"Normal" class load at MIT is 4 and many people do 5, but almost no one does 8 in one semester.  I earned 79 units this termOne of the best things about MIT is there are no additional charges for an overload. It was tiring, and something that I do not plan on repeating.  I was only able to do it because many of the classes this semester were management classesI had expected that the schedule would harm my GPA; however, I had the best term GPA this semester, a 4.3 vs 4.1 in the fall and 4.0 freshmen spring (no GPA given your first semester at MIT).  I also felt like I made a good connection with the faculty members, particularly in 4.211, 15.279, and ESD.051.
However we had some misfortune during the trip.  There was a hurricane at home while we were in CaliforniaIt blew down the tree in front of our house.  This knocked out our power.  This caused our sump pump to failThis caused our basement to flood with about a foot of waterUnfortunately, I had a lot of my dorm things on the floor in the basement.  I lost a carton of books, my monitors, and some other stuff amounting to a thousand dollars or twoAlso the paper copy of many notes from 10th and 11th Grades were damaged.  Luckily, those two grades are mostly online. Apparently our insurance did not cover the loss, except for $5,000 which my parents spent on an overpriced “cleanup crew”.  I left for MIT the next dayIt was a whirlwind getting ready for the semester.  I still don't feel like I know where everything is.
The only class I wished I had more time for was [[6.042]] Math for Computer Scientists.  This class worked with math in a way I had no experience with; I never thought about math that way.  It went fast as well.  I am still amazed many students grasped the concepts so easily.  I just made it by with a C-.  I don't think I mastered the concepts or even understood why they were important.  I hope the topics don't come up again….
====Coming up====
Everything from last year ([[MIT Sophomore]]) is basically online, with some exceptions.  I have a lot of final projects this semester.  I already completed one.  Despite being in 7 classes, I only have 2 finals this semesterThere are basically 2 weeks left in the semester!
[[14.02]] Macroeconomics was a complete and utter disaster.  The class was run by inexperienced TAs with absolutely no oversight.  I wrote a [[14.02 Complaint Letter|complaint letter]] detailing my logistics complaints about the class.  Plus it is taught in a very math and models way.  You can get by with just knowing math - the class does not really cover economic principals and it has absolutely no empirical work.  I think this is dangerous for future Wall Streeters; it may help you somewhat to be an econ grad student.  Because of the poor instruction and strange coverage, I think I learned more about economics in high school AP Macro Econ.
--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 22:21, 29 November 2011 (EST)
[[4.211]] was my favorite class of the semester.  I was required to take a HASS-CI class; and I had my eye on this for a few semesters.  We learned about the history of cities and urban development.  It was a small class, seated at a large single table, where the professor talked about her work and led class discussions.  (I guess that is how liberal arts colleges operate.)    I got into many good intellectual fights with the professor.  We read books and investigated a site in Boston.  I researched Copley Place in Boston.  I really enjoyed the deep research I did for Copley Place.  Like [[STS.050]] in freshmen spring, I've found I like doing original research - from primary source materials on something no one else has ever covered.  I wished however that the class focused more the economic tools of urban development rather than the natural causes (the professors' specialty) and did away with the repetitive papers on our site. 
[[ESD.051]] was a very fun class.  [http://web.mit.edu/gordonelp/staff/kotelly.html Blade Kotelly] knows how to teach, making it a fun class.  It was about design and engineering leadership.  I was very familiar with the concepts, but it was good to hear it again from Blade.  I dropped to listener in the class because I did not have the time to build a cool voice app.  Instead I am getting an opportunity to practice my skills at NextJump with the intern project.
[[6.02]] Intro to EECS 2 (Communications) was also a good class, like [[6.01]].  Course 6 really cares about their teaching and has taken great care to coalesce their content into really well structured lessons.  Each lecture and lab is almost perfectly structured.  [http://people.csail.mit.edu/cjt/ Chris Terman] is also a good lecturer, with the right amount of jokes in his lecture.  I think I learned a lot about the fundamentals of digital communications.  I think that the 2 course 6 classes were a very good foundation for a different way of thinking about problems: break them down and abstract the pieces.
[[15.401]] Finance 1 was cool for being a Sloan class.  It was at 8:30am which gave the class a weird vibe.  I bought the recommended textbooks for the class - they were big and long, but the Sloan class seemed to focus on the basics and teach them well, so you could learn it.  Maybe because it was I already really busy, but I thought the class had just the right amount of content.  I was not actually required to take the class, but I wanted to be able to understand the finance terminology.  It was also was other Sloan students, which did not seem as big of an issue as I've had before.
[[15.279]] was a surprisingly fun Communications class.  I went into it thinking that this was going to be boring and not useful, but the professor made the lectures fun by talking about his days in the publishing industry.  I participated a lot in the lectures and learned to make things short/simple for short attention spans.  I learned to look at what I make from someone else's shoes.
[[15.761]] was Introduction to Operations Research.  I chose this MBA Sloan class because I wanted to learn some of the formal management models.  Unfortunately, the professor was new  and seemed to not be knowledgeable about the topics or how to manage a class.  It was also a large MBA class, just as 15.567 was last term.  After two of these large MBA classes in E62 I found I just don't like them.  The classes are really big (~70 students).  This is ok in other departments when the classes are just lectures, but when the classes are discussions it does not work at all.  Plus, I talked in my last update how the MBA students do not seem to be engaged in classes.  It's a "I'll do the minimum work, but I'll suck up, so everything will be all right anyway attitude".  I can't stand it; I'm going to avoid classes in E62.  One MBA student even came up to me and offered me some "unsolicited comments" that "only a**h*** consultants talk that much."  Well sorrrrry.  I'm not changing my style.  I think my attitude of continually trying to learn, improve, and solve problems, as well as rocking the boat for the good of the product has gotten me this far and I am going to continue doing it.  It makes me consider dropping Course 15.
I calculated that this semester's stack of notes was only slightly higher than [[:File:MIT Fall 2010 Work.jpg|last term's]], despite the extra classes.
[[File:MIT Work Spring 2011.jpg|200px]]
====MIT Dining====
I was reelected as Baker VPFS for a second term and I also served as Baker's representative on dining.  Although HDAG wound down after I joined, without a single meeting, I helped MIT select a new house dining vendor and I now serve on HDIG, the implementation committee.  The selection committee was very fun and interesting.  I learned a lot about the contracting process.  I also traveled to other schools, and I often heard more about the details of the contracts than students at the schools I visited.  The highlight was when I flew out to [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157625959913503/ Chicago] with our Dean of Housing and Director of Dining.  We flew out in the early morning, visited the University of Chicago and Northwestern and then flew home early morning.  It moved so fast, I barely had time to process the trip - I guess that is how business trips are.  I also got a lot of time to talk with the administrators.  When we were flying home, we were in the front row of the plane; it wasn't first class (it was Southwest and lots of people walked by the seats!) but it felt like it!
[[File:Chicago Trip Geo.jpg|200px]]
We ended up renewing Bon Appetit, a division of Compass.  I was stunned by how happily people spoke of them at Roger Williams.  I also had no reason to cast them aside based on their work at MIT.  I am now working on implementing the plan.  The marketing needs a lot of guidance between promoting the plan while making MIT sound neutral towards the different ways that students can eat nutritiously.  This is different from many schools, where the school funds other projects from the "profits" on meal plan sales. We need to work out how/what to do during orientation, what the hours should be, etc.  We also need to diffuse concerns about what cuisine will be served where.  One of the more important things is to negotiate the scope and scale of the take-out program.  I am also hoping that BAMCO will make an API for the menu data.  I have been pursing the cause, but BAMCO does not seem to have the technical resources to pull it off.  Finally, I think one of the most important things to do is to define the metrics that will define the success of the program.
I've also found though my tour that the reputation of colleges actually really matters.  When I was searching for a college, I considered everyone who sent me a flier; rather than just go after the schools with a top reputationI now realize that for better or worse reputation is very important.  Many companies recruit only at top schools, because the selection process to get in to the schools does the filtering for them.  The self fulfilling prophecy.  Now this is not all made up.  I felt like I have learned a lot when I look back at one year ago and two years ago.  I think that the difference comes from the resources the schools are able to attract worth reputation, as well as the faculty the school attracts.  The other students also make a big difference, because you want to feel competitive with the other students.
====IAP/State Street====
Although [[IAP]]/January is now a while ago, I've realized I've never written about it.  Over IAP (January) I worked at [[State Street]].  I did not enjoy my month there.  It sounded like an interesting position, but I ended up doing secretarial work in a newly created department with no direction to it.  I wanted to try something in finance to see if it would interest me.  It did not.
In my report I wrote after the position, I talk about how entry-level management positions are mostly grunt work. However, this summer in New York, at both NextJump and hearing what my friends are doing, I think I over generalized about the uninterestingess/small impact of business jobs.  I've realizing now that salary might correlate well with the interestiness of the job.  I want an interesting job where I can make a big impact and use my skills.  I think when companies offer a lot of money they expect the person to do a lot; because they are selective with who they select to fill those positions.  I think, in general, I qualify for these positions and I actively want to do them.  I would rather work hard on something interesting, than just pull a paycheck while I spend all day trying to minimize how much work I do. 
During my experience at State Street, I decided to add a joint-major with Course 6.  Since I was not doing anything interesting at State Street, I filed the paperwork for adding a double major in course 6. I realized that Course 6 would help build my skills.  I wrote before that I did not like my course 15 classes.  I also really liked 6.01; I thought it was really well done and improved my thinking process.  Looking back now, one semester after filing the paperwork, I am happy with my decision. I think course 6 is where my future is, despite my prior apprehension at being a coder.  I think if I work on it I can do it.  (As I write this, I am realizing this is a common theme; I should just go for it in the future) Plus I want the challenge; course 15 is just too boring.  After one year as a course 15 student, I have completed many of the course 15 requirementsI now need to catch up in Course 6.  It is also harder for me to do well in course 6 classes.
[[File:MIT Long Term Plan.png|300px]]
I am very behind in uploading stuff to my website.  I have not yet processed this year's workThe reason I am so behind is I spent much of my time home scanning old middle school papers and throwing them out; rather than posting stuff to the web.  I need to find some time to do the boring task of uploading and organizing.  I will also be uploading stuff from middle school - which was never before on the site, which was started in 9th Grade.
For spring break, I traveled with my family to [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157626862324317/ Albany] and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157626986883902/ Montreal].  I also got yet another camera, the [[Panasonic DMC-ZS6]].  My [[Samsung HZ30W]] started nice but it broke in a bunch of different ways, finally with a gash on the lenses.  3 months into the Panasonic, I am really liking it.  I now have 65,000+ photos on [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets flickr], and I am 2 weeks behind on NYC photos.
So there you go; have a good summer --[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 02:21, 10 July 2011 (EDT)
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Revision as of 03:21, 30 November 2011


Welcome to ThePlaz.com

the site for all things Michael Plasmeier (ThePlaz)

This site is a wiki. That means that anybody (including YOU) can edit and change the information found here. (Editing help)

My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life. (Site Mission Statement)

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MIT Sophomore edit

  • 6.01 Intro to EECS (Potpourri Introduction)
  • 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis
  • 14.01 Principles of Microeconomics
  • 15.501 Corporate Financial Accounting
  • 15.567 Econ of Information
  • 16.71 Airline Industry
  • 4.211 The Present and Future City
  • 6.02 Intro to EECS 2 (Communications)
  • 6.042 Math for Computer Science (Potpourri Introduction)
  • 14.02 Microeconomics
  • 15.279 Intro to Managerial Communications
  • 15.401 Intro to Finance
  • 15.761 Operations Research
  • ESD.051 Engineering, Innovation, and Design (Listener)

MIT Freshman edit


  • 8.01 Physics: Mechanics - Prof. Greytak
  • 3.091 Intro to Solid State Chemistry - Prof. Sadoway
  • 18.01 Single Variable Calculus - Prof. Brubaker
  • MAS.110 Fundamentals of Computational Media Design - Prof. Bove
  • 6.A53 Entrepreneurship and China Advising Seminar - Dr. Eng
  • SocialSaver UROP at the MIT Media Lab
  • Learning to Learn at MIT - My "near fail" experience that caused me to pull it together


Other Stuff

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Nuvola USA flag.png AP US Government (History)

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

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Nuvola apps package wordprocessing.png English 12 (English)

Nuvola apps kbrunch.png Calculus (Math)

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps edu languages.png AP Psychology (Psychology)

Nuvola apps package editors.png AP Micro Econ (Economics)

Nuvola apps bug.png Biology (Science)

Nuvola apps kmplot.png PreCalc (Math)

Nuvola USA flag.png American Studies (History)

  • Projects
  • Notes from Out of Many Textbook
  • FTCE test : FTCE test failure reveals how to rip through the FTCE test.
developed Headline Notetaking Format

Nuvola USA flag pen.png English 11 (English)

Nuvola apps edu mathematics.png IAG 4H (Math)

Nuvola apps edu science.png Chemistry (Science)

Nuvola apps package network.png World Cultures (History)

Nuvola apps korganizer.png AP Macro Economics (Economics)

Nuvola apps file-manager.png English 10 (English)

Nuvola apps kig.png IAG 3H (Math)

Nuvola apps bookcase.png English 9 (English)

Nuvola apps kverbos.png Western Civ (History)



Maps and Creative
French Revolution Napoleon-peque.jpg

Essays and Reports

Nuvola apps edu phi.png IPS (Science)

Nuvola apps kcalc.png IAG 2H and IAG 1H (Math)

Nuvola apps kate.png Latin

Latin 3


Double Entry Journals have 2 components: What I Learned (a summery), and Personal Response (a reflection)

Latin 2

  1. Roman Travel Project
  2. Sejanus
  3. Echo and Narcissus Myth
  4. The Journey of the Hero

Latin 1

Money-256x256.png Entrepreneurship (Business)

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps personal.png Business Law (Business)

30px-OneNote.png Open OneNote Notebook

Note: Works only in Internet Explorer and Opera. Firefox refuses to support MHT. More info

Nuvola apps amarok.png Pop Music (Music)

Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png Other edit

Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png 8th Grade

Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png 7th Grade

Nuvola apps kuser.png About Me edit

Michael Plasmeier Spring 2009 Narrow.JPG
Michael Plasmeier
Yahoo APM: Membership and Geo Platforms

My name is Michael Plasmeier, but almost everyone calls me Plaz. I am a Associate Product Manager at Yahoo - working on the Membership and Geo-related platforms teams. I graduated from MIT in 2013 in Computer Science and Management. I am halfway between the tech and the business world, doing both web development and product development. My interest in doing both started while I was working on GridView, an app I built after 10th Grade that reached 1.3 million users on Facebook.


Last IAP, I was a Software Development Extern doing testing in Ruby on the back end at CardSpring. Last summer, I was Product Manager at Disney Parks and Resorts Online where I worked on a project for Disney Cruise Line. Last January, I worked in management/strategy consulting at Altman Vilandrie & Company. The previous summer, I was a web developer at NextJump, an online affiliate advertising firm in New York. Prior to that, I was an extern in the Office of the Chief Scientist at State Street. My freshman summer I worked at Deutsche Bahn, the German national railroad, where I designed the smartphone version Touch&Travel, an app that lets you pay for the train with your phone.


At MIT I was heavily involved in classes, usually taking 7 classes a term, while being involved in student government. (I wrote about how I do it in Working out a System.) senior was dedicated to wrapping up requirements. Junior year at MIT I focused on EECS classes, as well as being elected president of Baker House. My second year at MIT focused on management classes. I was also involved in the vendor selection and implementation of the new dining plan. Freshman year, I took core classes and served on the Athena and Printing Committee. (I wrote about just hanging on freshmen year in Learning to Learn.)


I built a lot of web projects in high school. My most popular project, was GridView [1], an app for Facebook which lets you add the profile pics of all of you're friends to your Facebook profile. GridView had over 1.3 million users and made me some money.

I hosted and produced the video podcast Tecker 911 [2] along with some of my friends. Tecker 911 was a series of 100 5-15 minute shows each which covers a technology topic in a way which is relevant for ordinary people, with a focus towards students and our community. Tecker 911 was also shown on our local public access channel Channel 11.

I started SeniorQuoter, [3] an open-source web application for senior quotes collections for high school yearbooks. In 11th Grade, I lead a Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study at my high school. I helped 4 other students learn PHP and MySQL and then I project managed version 2 of SeniorQuoter, the administration interface.

Tecker and Conflicter were question and answer services I built in 10th Grade. They never really caught on, but they were the perfect way to learn PHP. Dictionary Robot is something I tarted last year, but abandoned later. In 10th Grade, I was a member of Team 484 and in 11th Grade I was their webmaster.

In 8th and 9th Grades I wrote bunch of programs for the TI-83+.


My first two years at MIT, I was a regular on The Weekly Spin, a weekly take on tech stories and tech policy.

On my Tech page I have had a few pages about Devices I own and other small things that I have built. For example, I also made some improvements for MediaWiki, the software that runs ThePlaz.com and Wikipedia. I made a new skin for MediaWiki and a few MediaWiki extensions

Other Accounts

I also tag a lot of stories on Delicious. I also have over 70,000 photos on Flickr. I Tweet kinda regularly. I also post things to YouTube. And of course I have a Facebook. It all comes together on my FriendFeed.

Website Content

On my site you will find:

  • Updates on what I am involved in
  • Links to my other projects
  • My comments on the world
  • Photos and videos I have taken
  • School work and notes I have made
School Work

I hope that this knowledge will help people less-fortunate than me persevere and succeed. All of my work is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 license, meaning that you may use it and re-post it anywhere as long as you post my name/nickname, provide a link back to my site, and don't make money off my work. Many people visit my site from overseas where the school system is not as good. See Site Mission Statement for more

    • For 9th Grade I have posted projects I did on the computer
    • For 10th Grade I have posted not only my work I made on a computer but laboriously scanned all of my handwritten notes and worksheets
    • For 11th Grade I am only posting my own notes (no worksheets) from very structured classes; I am scaling back
    • For 12th Grade I used a tablet PC, so I have posted my OneNote notebooks from the class
    • For MIT Freshman year, I used a tablet PC for the first semester; realized this was a bad idea; so I used paper which I scanned and released as large PDFs the second semester. Note MIT actually does the same thing I do with MIT OCW.
    • For MIT Sophomore I will continue to post large, comprehensive PDFs.
    • See also my Notes Key

Theweeklyspin.png The Weekly Spin

The Weekly Spin is a weekly rant about technology and tech policy with Michael Gdovin. We often cover the cell phone industry, the FCC, DRM, and Michael likes to throw in some Apple rumors.

Download the latest episodes: TheWeeklySpin.com Audio Podcast

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ThePlaz in often mentioned or interviewed in the news

MIT Dining
Baker Piano Drop
Tecker 911
ThePlaz.com Praise
  • Sam's Praise about my site
  • Baron Harkonnen's Thanks
  • Thanks for uploading Flickr photos
  • Uses Many ThePlaz.com Wiki features
  • A Drexel professor told me on the first day of class that I take very good notes and I would graduate suma cum laude from Harvard due to the quality of my notes at Gov School
  • Hi I saw your page about that download for the ferris wheel unit for IMP4, I didn't download it but even the info you had on the page helped me out. I have no idea what I'm doing and just started this year- i really get stuck on my homework EVERY night. Right now im working on HW 2 "As the ferris wheel turns" and i have no idea what I'm doing. But i just wanted to say thanks cause I'm gonna download that once I'm farther into the unit!--A Facebook user (J. S.)
  • Just wanted to let you know: I stole your headline method of note taking from your website and it is completely saving my life in American Studies. -Rebecca C.
  • Hey, you do have one of the best designed websites I have seen lately. Good job. A little flashy, but still functional. --Email comment 8/18/2010

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Haverford High School

(need to update)

Pictures on the Wikimedia Commons

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I am a lot into technology. Here are links to some of my web sites as well as modifications and how-to articles about other software.

My Websites
MediaWiki Tweaks

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For up-to-date info see Special:Statistics

There are 6,499 total pages in the database, including 1,578 pages in the main namespace and 5,000 files uploaded. These counts do not include OneNote notebooks on minisites or SkyDrive, and count multi-page files (PDF and Word) as one page.

There have been a total of 5,163,449 page views, and 16,470 page edits since ThePlaz.com was setup. That comes to 2.53 average edits per page, and 313.51 views per edit.