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<div style="position: relative; top: -.05em; font-size: 95%;">the site for all things '''[[User:ThePlaz|Michael Plasmeier]]''' ([[My Nicknames|ThePlaz]])</div></div>
<div style="position: relative; top: -.05em; font-size: 95%;">the site for all things '''[[User:ThePlaz|Michael Plasmeier]]''' ([[My Nicknames|ThePlaz]])</div></div>
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<p style="clear:both; margin:0 0 0 0; margin-bottom:.2em; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;">My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life.  <small>([[Mission Statement|Site Mission Statement]])</small></p>  
<p style="clear:both; margin:0 0 0 0; margin-bottom:.2em; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;">My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life.  <small>([[Mission Statement|Site Mission Statement]])</small></p>  
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[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 5/19/2008 ThePlaz.com Roundup
[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 8/25/2013 Yahoo APM!
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==Yahoo APM==
[[File:Marissa and Michael.jpg|thumb|Me with Marissa Mayer]]
[[File:Yahoo APMs 13.jpg|thumb|The 2013 Yahoo APMs]]
I am about 1 month into my new job at [[Yahoo]] as an Associate Product Manager or [[APM]].  After I finished classes at MIT, but before I was set to start at Oracle, Yahoo offered me to join Marissa Mayer's new APM program at Yahoo.  Marissa started the program back when she had just joined Google - as a way to find and develop new Product Managers out of school, which she thought would be faster than hiring experienced PMs from the industry.  This article describes the role http://www.wired.com/business/2012/07/marissas-secret-weapon-for-recruiting-new-yahoo-talent/ though that article overblows things slightly.
I’m super happy where I am at.  This is the type of job I was aiming for throughout MIT; I think I was well-prepared by MIT; and I think .Yahoo is also in a very interesting state at the moment.  They are rapidly redoing everything.  This makes new grads are handed large chunks of the product to manage, because they are so understaffed for what the need is.  In addition, they are in the midst of a huge culture change.  They are replacing their cube farms with open desks.  They are rebuilding teams, which were previously laid off.  It’s very interesting to work with people on either side of the culture change and to experience the before-and-after at the same time.
I’m in charge of designing the platform Yahoo uses to know where you are, and I help designing the membership, accounts, and security features of Yahoo.  The work is very similar to what I did at MIT – brainstorming solutions, designing schemes, working with other stakeholders to refine plans and achieve consensus. 
Boy has it been a long time since I last updated thisThere is so much to cover that I avoid starting to blog, which only leads to more stuff to cover....
As an APM, I’m part of Yahoo’s inner circle – giving it the feel of a small company.  My experience working with administrators at MIT prepared me very well for working with the executives at Yahoo.  It's probably the best business/leadership/PM experience possible in the world for someone just out of school.  I think it's rivals management consulting in terms of business experience - since you're directly responsible for something, but still involved at a high level.  I think one learns by doing and by being exposed to stuff. The greater scope and responsibility one has, the more one learns, I believe.
After much thought, I have decided to attend [http://mit.edu MIT] as an undergraduateSee [[Why MIT]] for my reasoning.   
==Mountain View==
[[File:Mountain View Home.jpg|thumb|Mountain View Home]]
[[File:Chevy Volt.jpg|thumb|Chevy Volt]]
I'm settled into my new place in [[Mountain View]]. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634601732288/ Photos] I'm sharing a house with 2 other guys, who were friends of friendsI've purchased a [[Chevy Volt]].  [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634595577805/ Photos] It goes 40 miles in a charge, but after that it can use gas.  In almost 2 months, I haven't gone to the gas station once!
My second choice was to attend Drexel in their Information Science program, were I received a full tuition scholarshipPenn State had a nice program which was very similar.  In addition, I was accepted at their honors college.  However, University Park was a bit too remote for me.  Temple also gave me full tuition and honors program, but I am not a fan of Northeast Philadelphia and the program did not stand out. I had originally wanted to go to Northeastern, also in Boston, but it would have cost me twice as much as any other option.
I'm meeting a lot of new people hereEveryone seems to be a friend of a friend at least, and about 20-30% have heard of me before! That's kinda scarey!
I am really looking forward to moving to Cambridge this fall and being among the top 1,000 or so seniors interested in using technology to improve people's lives.  I have no clue what to major in (which is interesting because I have always thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do).  At MIT, you don't have to pick your major until later, and a major is not too big of a dealFinally, MIT made me a financial offer tied for first with two other schools.
==Leaving MIT==
I had my best semester ever, my last semester at MIT.  I had 5 As and one B-I was literally 10 points away from a 5.0!
I am excited for the opportunity MIT provides. I am planning on being part of the [http://admissions.media.mit.edu/admissions/program-overview/freshman-year-program Media Lab's Freshman Year Program].  The Media Lab is widely recognized as a leading innovator in new technology and user interface design.  I am also interested in Political Science and a few
[[File:Pens MIT Spring 2013.jpg|thumb|Pens|200px]]
other things.  We will see.  For housing I am going for Baker, Simmons, and German House in that order.
[[File:Paper MIT Spring 2013.jpg|thumb|Paper|200px]]
This semester I used 32 inches of paper, as well as 31 pensHere is a chart of usage over time:
[[SocialView]] released 2 new products since I last wrote. [[ForumsPlace]] is an attempt to build a new community site and [[4Change]] is a petitions app for Facebook.  I think 4Change is promising because it uses the social power of Facebook to spread.
[[File:Pens and Paper Usage.png]]
I did get a GPS receiver for the holidays and I took it on a few trips with meIt is a bit of a pain to run and merge the photos with location data, but it is worth it!  I am planning on doing a Tecker 911 episode (#85) on itYou can see that in a few months....
I wrote up two white papers on MIT Policy[[A Framework for Community Engagement]] is a refinement of the community engagement process which administrators currently follow. [[Problem Solving Teams]] proposes having students work as "management consultants" on the Institute’s biggest problemsThis joins [[Unrelenting Advocacy]], about how stundets should act like lobbyists and consultants. This rounds up my [MIT Policy White Papers] series.
I posted a lot of photos to Flickr recently, since I traveled a lot. I went to Boston twice.  [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/collections/72157614234238197/ Once to visit Northeastern], and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157617143567509/ a month later to visit MIT for CPW].  Over spring break my family went to the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/collections/72157616715347111/ Caribbean on the Caribbean Princess]. I also went to [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157617358484275/ the Met], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157617358484275/ the Philadelphia Opera], and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157618201812723/ National Train Day at 30th Street Station]. On most of these trips I took my geotagger. More than half of my 23,000 photos are geotagged; you can see my [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/map Flickr map]. I don't like the way the new Flickr mapping system work since it does not make it easy to discover locations....  
[[File:MIT Graduation.jpg|thumb|MIT Graduation]]
Graduation was a super rainy affair - it was pretty miserable. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634578617238/ PhotosHowever, I'm happy to say that I've now graduated. It was sad to leave all of the stuff I really liked about MIT behind.
[[Tecker 911]] hit a slowdown because Premiere Pro CS4 did not work very well.  I have posted up to episode 74 at [http://911.tecker.net 911.tecker.net].  Today we filmed up to episode 86.  Hopefully things will get going again and we can get up to 100 episodes before college startsOur goal is to finish with 100 episodes.
I used the time I was off (3 weeks at MIT, 3 weeks at home, and 3 weeks in CA) to get organized and clean up my stuffI emptied some boxes I hadn’t touched in years.  I scanned more paper.  However, I have still not managed to post my MIT stuff or more from the archives.
Recently, I created a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhgXJLcrYCw Hell's Kitchen spoof] and I posted a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9f5Exewu5Q short film I made when I was 10].  I just got a new [http://www.amazon.com/Canon-HF100-Definition-Camcorder-Stabilized/dp/B00114162K Canon Vixia HF100].  It produces really nice looking HD video provided you have enough light.  My friend got a [http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-D90-Digital-18-105mm-3-5-5-6G/dp/B001ENOZY4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=photo&qid=1242790588&sr=1-1 Nikon D90] which is capable, once you figure it out, of taking some really good photographs, [[:Image:Michael_Plasmeier_Spring_2009_Narrow.JPG|like this one]].
==Personal Style==
I also spent some time to reflect on my [[Personal Style]].  I spent several months iterating on this - and it ended up being quite lengthy! I wanted to record this, because I know with will update over time, and I wanted to make a record of it.  I think it's also helpful for people to know how I approach problem solving.
You may notice that ThePlaz.com homepage has been redesignedCheck out the new "[http://friendfeed.com/theplaz FriendFeed]" section which pulls together my activity on the web from 13 different places including Twitter, Flickr, Facebook Status Updates, Delicious, and many others.  This will replace many sidebar widgets and hopefully speed up the site by reducing the amount of JavaScript code. I also moved the site to a new host which is a lot more expensive but does support Memcached.
--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] ([[User talk:ThePlaz|talk]]) 02:55, 25 August 2013 (EDT)
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]'', ''[http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates Subscribe via RSS feed], ''[http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=786542 Subscribe via email]'', ''[http://friendfeed.com/theplaz Detailed feed]'', ''[[Old Updates|See past updates]]''
Remember, I am tagging interesting sites with [http://delicious.com/theplaz Delicious].  I joined [http://theweeklyspin.com The Weekly Spin] where my friends and I talk about the most interesting technology stories each week.  [http://theweeklyspin.com/feed Subscribe to the weekly audio]
Material from the 1st semester of [[12th Grade]] is now online.  I found a way to export OneNote notebooks to the web which preserves its appearance.  Unfortunately, it only works in Internet Explorer and Opera.  However, it is now very easy to upload stuff; it used to take me hours to do a class.
Hopefully I will post more often in the future. -[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 23:41, 19 May 2009 (EDT)
''[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:ThePlaz&action=edit&section=new Leave Plaz a (public) message] [[Image:File_icon.gif]] or [[User:ThePlaz:E-mail me|send me a (private) e-mail.]][[Image:Mail_icon.gif]]'', ''[http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePlazPersonalUpdates Subscribe via RSS feed], ''[http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=786542 Subscribe via email]'', ''[[Old Updates|See past updates]]''
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<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;"> [[MIT Senior]]
[[Image:Haverford Crest small.jpg|30px]] [[New Tech Policy|HHS New Tech Policy Proposal]]
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[[Image:Nuvola apps kpovmodeler.png|30px]] [[AP Physics]]
[[Image:Nuvola apps kpovmodeler.png|30px]] [[AP Physics]]
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[[Image:Nuvola USA flag.png|30px]] [[AP US Government]]
[[Image:Nuvola USA flag.png|30px]] [[AP US Government]]
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[[Image:Nuvola_apps_package_wordprocessing.png|30px]] [[English 12]]
[[Image:Nuvola_apps_package_wordprocessing.png|30px]] [[English 12]]
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{{OneNote Site|humanities}}
*[[:Image:Literature in Review Dorian Gray.mp3|Dorian Gray Book Discussion Podcast]]
*[[:Image:Macbeth Podcast Michael Dan Greg.mp3|Macbeth Scene Performance Podcast]]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKf9scuX1j8 Peter Paul Rubens Photo Story] (on YouTube)
*[[:Image:Senior_Project.doc|Senior Project: Electronic Voting Machine Insecurity]]
[[Image:Mr Mullen ThePlaz Shirt.JPG|270px]]
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[[Image:Nuvola apps kbrunch.png|30px]] [[Calculus]]
[[Image:Nuvola apps kbrunch.png|30px]] [[Calculus]]
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*'''[[:File:Pop Music Binder.pdf|Binder]]'''
*[[Pop Music#Unit 0: Intro|Unit 0: Intro]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 0: Intro|Unit 0: Intro]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 1: Elements|Unit 1: Elements]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 1: Elements|Unit 1: Elements]]
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[[Image:Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png|30px]] [[8th Grade]]
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*[[IAG 1]]
*[[Latin 1]]
*[[English 8]]
*[[8th Grade Health]]
*[[8th Grade History]]
*[[8th Grade Science]]
*[[8th Grade Seminar]]
*[[8th Grade Tech Ed]]
<h3 style="-moz-border-radius-topright: 1em;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; background:#90ee90;margin:-2px;padding:4px;">
[[Image:Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png|30px]] [[7th Grade]]
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*[[7th Grade History|History]]
*[[Info Tech 7]]
*[[7th Grade LA|Language Arts]]
*[[7th Grade Math|Math]]
*[[7th Grade Science|Science]]
*[[7th Grade Spanish|Spanish]]
*[[7th Grade Music|Music]]
*[[7th Grade Sci-Sem|Sci-Sem]]
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[[File:Theweeklyspin.png|30px]] ''[http://theweeklyspin.com The Weekly Spin]''
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The Weekly Spin is a weekly rant about technology and tech policy with Michael Gdovin.  We often cover the cell phone industry, the FCC, DRM, and Michael likes to throw in some Apple rumors.
Download the latest episodes: [http://theweeklyspin.com TheWeeklySpin.com] Audio Podcast
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[[Image:Nuvola apps laptop pcmcia.png|30px]] ''[[Template:Main_Page:Student_Tools|Student Tools]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:Student_Tools&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Tecker 911 Logo.png|110px]] ''[http://911.tecker.net Tecker 911]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Drop_Down:Tecker_911&action=edit edit]</span>
[[Image:Tecker 911 Logo.png|110px]] ''[http://911.tecker.net Tecker 911]''
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{{Drop_Down:Tecker 911}}
*''[http://911.tecker.net Website]''
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=370 100: Troubleshooting Tips and A Look Back (Final Episode)]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=367 99: Picnik]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=364 98: Maps Roundup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=363 97: OpenID]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=361 96: Basecamp]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=359 95: eBooks]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=357 94: Netflix]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=355 93: Learning to Program]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=353 92: Live Sync]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=351 91: Mint]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=349 90: Power Saving Tips]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=347 89: Reusing Old Computers]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=345 88: VLC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=320 87: Digg]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=318 86: Watching TV Online]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=317 85: Geotagging Photos]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=315 84: iPhone]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=312 83: Google Earth]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=310 82: Delicious]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=308 81: Zoho]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=306 80: Digital Video Workflow]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=303 79: Tablet PC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=283 78: Wordpress Getting Started]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=281 77: Gmail]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=278 76: iLife]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=276 75: What We Use]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=258 74: U3]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=256 73: Twitter]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=254 72: iWork]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=251 71: Digital TV Transition]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=248 70: Electricity]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=218 69: Pandora]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=216 68: Online Backup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=214 67: MobileMe]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=211 66: OneNote]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=209 65: GPS]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=207 64: Remote Access]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=204 63: Google Reader]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=200 62: Cloud Computing]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=198 61: Reinstalling Windows]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=174 60: Cell Phone Internet]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=172 59: Digital Camera Workflow]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=170 58: Firefox 3]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=167 57: Windows DVD Maker]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=164 56: iPod Backup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=161 55: Mobile Computing]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=159 54: eBay]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=157 53: Speeding up Startup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=154 52: Net Neutrality]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=127 51: Podcasting]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=125 50: Taking a Break]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=120 49: TiVo]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=117 48: OLPC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=115 47: PayPal Security Key]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=113 46: Bookmooch]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=108 45: FiOS]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=109 44: Backup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=106 43: Bluetooth]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=105 41: PayPal]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=104 40: DS vs PSP]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=103 39: Free Software]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=96 38: Mac]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=89 37: Burning ISOs]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=88 36: Facebook]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=87 35: Wii]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=86 34: File Zipping]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=85 33: Portable Apps]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=84 32: Web Hosting]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=83 31: Flickr]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=82 30: Haverford Township Day 2008]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=81 29: File and Printer Sharing]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=80 28: Truecrypt]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=79 27: Notebook Cards]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=78 26: Words: The Latin Dictionary]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=77 25: Behind the Scenes]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=76 24: Windows Movie Maker]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=75 23: Wikipedia Reliability]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=74 22: Firefox Add-Ons]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=72 21: Computer Storage]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=70 20: War Walking]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=69 19: Wifi]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=68 18: CollegeBoard.com Tools]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=71 17: Audacity]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=67 16: RSS]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=66 15: Destroying Stuff!]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=53 14: Ubuntu]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 13: Google Docs and Spreadsheets]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 12: Microsoft Office 2007]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 11: Windows Vista]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 10: LAN Party]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=48 9: MLA Formatting]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=39 8: TI-83+ on your Computer]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=37 7: Security Tips]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=37 6: YouTube on your iPod]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=36 5: Upgrading a PC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=26 4: PowerSchool]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=25 3: Skype]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=24 2: Legal Music Downloading]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=22 1: Firefox]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=54 Mac, PC, Linux Ad]
*''[[Tecker 911|Article]]''
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[[Image:TI-83--rotated.png|65px]] ''[[:Category:TI|TI-83+ Stuff]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:TI&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Nuvola apps kcmprocessor.png|30px]] ''[[Template:Main_Page:Tech|Tech Stuff]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:Tech&action=edit edit]</span>
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[[Image:Nuvola apps remote.png|30px]] ''[[Special:Statistics|Site Statistics]]'' <span class="edittemplate" style="font-size:8pt; float:right; margin:-30px 7px 0 0;">[http://theplaz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Main_Page:Statistics&action=edit edit]</span>
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