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<div style="position: relative; top: -.05em; font-size: 95%;">the site for all things '''[[User:ThePlaz|Michael Plasmeier]]''' ([[My Nicknames|ThePlaz]])</div></div>
<div style="position: relative; top: -.05em; font-size: 95%;">the site for all things '''[[User:ThePlaz|Michael Plasmeier]]''' ([[My Nicknames|ThePlaz]])</div></div>
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<p style="clear:both; margin:0 0 0 0; margin-bottom:.2em; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;">My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life.  <small>([[Mission Statement|Site Mission Statement]])</small></p>  
<p style="clear:both; margin:0 0 0 0; margin-bottom:.2em; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;">My site contains mostly my homework and projects as well as various stuff from my life.  <small>([[Mission Statement|Site Mission Statement]])</small></p>  
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[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 10/11/2009 ThePlaz.com Update from MIT
[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 8/25/2013 Yahoo APM!
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My first semester is halfway over at MITMy 3 hardest classes are 3.091 (Solid State Chemistry), 8.01 (Physics), 18.01 (Calculus)All 3 featured content that I also learned in high school, although at a far more difficult levelPhysics forces you to work with derivatives and integrals to understand what's really going onCalculus revolves around the proofsIf you are not perfectly clear on the rules of algebra, it's a real challengeThe work revolves around the edge cases which require you to really understand the material, not just memorize formulasChemistry is taught by a professor who is big into battery research, in fact he is fairly wealthy as a resultHe gets really into his lectures too which makes it fun.  [http://mit.edu/3.091/www/ You can watch them online]
==Yahoo APM==
[[File:Marissa and Michael.jpg|thumb|Me with Marissa Mayer]]
[[File:Yahoo APMs 13.jpg|thumb|The 2013 Yahoo APMs]]
I am about 1 month into my new job at [[Yahoo]] as an Associate Product Manager or [[APM]]After I finished classes at MIT, but before I was set to start at Oracle, Yahoo offered me to join Marissa Mayer's new APM program at Yahoo. Marissa started the program back when she had just joined Google - as a way to find and develop new Product Managers out of school, which she thought would be faster than hiring experienced PMs from the industryThis article describes the role http://www.wired.com/business/2012/07/marissas-secret-weapon-for-recruiting-new-yahoo-talent/ though that article overblows things slightly.
I’m super happy where I am at.  This is the type of job I was aiming for throughout MIT; I think I was well-prepared by MIT; and I think .Yahoo is also in a very interesting state at the momentThey are rapidly redoing everythingThis makes new grads are handed large chunks of the product to manage, because they are so understaffed for what the need isIn addition, they are in the midst of a huge culture changeThey are replacing their cube farms with open desks.  They are rebuilding teams, which were previously laid off.  It’s very interesting to work with people on either side of the culture change and to experience the before-and-after at the same time.
I’m in charge of designing the platform Yahoo uses to know where you are, and I help designing the membership, accounts, and security features of YahooThe work is very similar to what I did at MIT – brainstorming solutions, designing schemes, working with other stakeholders to refine plans and achieve consensus.   
The first semester is pass/no record - which is a good because I still need to find the right amount of studying to doI need to be better at memorizing what I am not interested inI think I never properly focused the time on academics in high school.  In Middle School, I had built up so much momentum that I coasted through the first part of high school, and in the second half, I was able to make it through thanks to grade inflation and cramming.  I really need to get on top of things more.  During the week, it's a challenge to get done everything I need for just these 3 classes - let alone get aheadI've felt like I spend a few days really working to start being comfortable in one class and then I am behind in the others and it becomes a never ending cycle.
As an APM, I’m part of Yahoo’s inner circle – giving it the feel of a small companyMy experience working with administrators at MIT prepared me very well for working with the executives at YahooIt's probably the best business/leadership/PM experience possible in the world for someone just out of school.  I think it's rivals management consulting in terms of business experience - since you're directly responsible for something, but still involved at a high level.  I think one learns by doing and by being exposed to stuffThe greater scope and responsibility one has, the more one learns, I believe.
I am far more interested in my MAS.110 and 6.A53 classes, as well as my UROP.  MAS.110 covers typographic design and how we interact and think about technology.  It is an introduction to the [[Media Lab]], part of the Media Lab freshman year program. 6.A53 only meets for a few hours each week and is fairly informal.  One person owns a [http://rompapparel.com clothing store in New Jersey], and my advisor owns a [http:// rallypoint.info company making hi-tech gloves for the military]. In class, we are doing a basic introduction to China and we talk around business.  Recently we have been planning for a business plan competition.  I am wondering which is better - a business that grows agilely and uses rapid prototyping to get out in the market fast to test its ideas, and then finds funding ("bottom up") - or the slow and steady approach of building up relationships and team members for months before having a big launch ("top down").
==Mountain View==
[[File:Mountain View Home.jpg|thumb|Mountain View Home]]
[[File:Chevy Volt.jpg|thumb|Chevy Volt]]
I'm settled into my new place in [[Mountain View]]. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634601732288/ Photos] I'm sharing a house with 2 other guys, who were friends of friends.  I've purchased a [[Chevy Volt]].  [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634595577805/ Photos] It goes 40 miles in a charge, but after that it can use gasIn almost 2 months, I haven't gone to the gas station once!
I also have a UROP in the Media Lab, working on [[SocialSaver]], a project to study if knowing what your friends are buying/doing will affect you.  I created a mobile HTML menu (for iPhone), as well as UI and design for the group.  It's great because I am working with 3 other undergraduates who have different skills in programming.  Unlike the [[Dynamic Website Building Instruction and Practical Experience Group Study|SeniorQuoter group study]] and [[Videre]] in Governor's School, everyone can program.  In addition, there are so many parts that each person can work on a different partOne person is making a native iPhone app in Objective C, another is programming for Android in Java, and a third is working on the back end with Python in Django.  My advisor, [http://web.media.mit.edu/~kwan/  Kwan], manages the project and designs the interfaces to make all the parts work together. It's a really good experience to work on a highly-talented programming team.  I'll post more about the project once it is public.
I'm meeting a lot of new people hereEveryone seems to be a friend of a friend at least, and about 20-30% have heard of me before! That's kinda scarey!
I also try and attend various talks and lectures.  On Monday, I am going to [http://startupbootcamp.mit.edu/ Startup Bootcamp].  Last week I went to a talk by the former mayor of Shanghai, and the week before that I listened to Noam Chomsky.  I find these peripheral activities much more interesting than classes.
==Leaving MIT==
I had my best semester ever, my last semester at MIT.  I had 5 As and one B-.  I was literally 10 points away from a 5.0!
[http://geoov.com Geoov] is done as well.  You should be able to add your own geotagged photos on the map.  My issue is always publicizing the sites.  I need to do more to help that.  I was also behind the [http://facebook.com/sprout Sprout] contest on Facebook.  For big brands, it shows the power of social networks to spread awareness without traditional advertisingFor me, it shows what a big brand can accomplish just by putting its name on something; Tecker 911 was never even close to that level of popularity.  Perhaps we should have been more adapting to the needs of our audience.
[[File:Pens MIT Spring 2013.jpg|thumb|Pens|200px]]
[[File:Paper MIT Spring 2013.jpg|thumb|Paper|200px]]
This semester I used 32 inches of paper, as well as 31 pensHere is a chart of usage over time:
My Palm Pre has been very useful for the fast paced life at MIT.  I can quickly check my schedule or look something up.  I also use it a lot for talk; I went over by a few minutes last month!  I am also getting to explore Boston.  See [http://flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets my flickr photos].
[[File:Pens and Paper Usage.png]]
I wrote up two white papers on MIT Policy.  [[A Framework for Community Engagement]] is a refinement of the community engagement process which administrators currently follow. [[Problem Solving Teams]] proposes having students work as "management consultants" on the Institute’s biggest problems.  This joins [[Unrelenting Advocacy]], about how stundets should act like lobbyists and consultants.  This rounds up my [MIT Policy White Papers] series.
--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 00:54, 11 October 2009 (EDT)
[[File:MIT Graduation.jpg|thumb|MIT Graduation]]
Graduation was a super rainy affair - it was pretty miserable. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634578617238/ Photos]  However, I'm happy to say that I've now graduated.  It was sad to leave all of the stuff I really liked about MIT behind.
I used the time I was off (3 weeks at MIT, 3 weeks at home, and 3 weeks in CA) to get organized and clean up my stuff.  I emptied some boxes I hadn’t touched in years.  I scanned more paper.  However, I have still not managed to post my MIT stuff or more from the archives.
==Personal Style==
I also spent some time to reflect on my [[Personal Style]].  I spent several months iterating on this - and it ended up being quite lengthy!  I wanted to record this, because I know with will update over time, and I wanted to make a record of it.  I think it's also helpful for people to know how I approach problem solving.
--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] ([[User talk:ThePlaz|talk]]) 02:55, 25 August 2013 (EDT)
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*'''[[:File:Pop Music Binder.pdf|Binder]]'''
*[[Pop Music#Unit 0: Intro|Unit 0: Intro]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 0: Intro|Unit 0: Intro]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 1: Elements|Unit 1: Elements]]
*[[Pop Music#Unit 1: Elements|Unit 1: Elements]]
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[[Image:Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png|30px]] [[8th Grade]]
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*[[IAG 1]]
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*[[English 8]]
*[[8th Grade Health]]
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[[Image:Nuvola filesystems folder blue open.png|30px]] [[7th Grade]]
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*[[7th Grade History|History]]
*[[Info Tech 7]]
*[[7th Grade LA|Language Arts]]
*[[7th Grade Math|Math]]
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*[[7th Grade Spanish|Spanish]]
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*[[7th Grade Sci-Sem|Sci-Sem]]
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[[File:Theweeklyspin.png|30px]] ''[http://theweeklyspin.com The Weekly Spin]''
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The Weekly Spin is a weekly rant about technology and tech policy with Michael Gdovin.  We often cover the cell phone industry, the FCC, DRM, and Michael likes to throw in some Apple rumors.
Download the latest episodes: [http://theweeklyspin.com TheWeeklySpin.com] Audio Podcast
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:15pt; text-align: center">Michael Plasmeier</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt; text-align: center">"ThePlaz"</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12pt; text-align: center">MIT 2013 student</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:10pt; text-align: center">Web developer and project manager with a focus on user experience and design</div>
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*''[http://911.tecker.net Website]''
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=370 100: Troubleshooting Tips and A Look Back (Final Episode)]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=367 99: Picnik]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=364 98: Maps Roundup]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=361 96: Basecamp]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=357 94: Netflix]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=355 93: Learning to Program]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=353 92: Live Sync]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=351 91: Mint]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=349 90: Power Saving Tips]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=312 83: Google Earth]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=310 82: Delicious]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=306 80: Digital Video Workflow]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=303 79: Tablet PC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=283 78: Wordpress Getting Started]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=278 76: iLife]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=276 75: What We Use]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=256 73: Twitter]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=254 72: iWork]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=251 71: Digital TV Transition]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=248 70: Electricity]
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*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=211 66: OneNote]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=209 65: GPS]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=207 64: Remote Access]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=204 63: Google Reader]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=200 62: Cloud Computing]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=198 61: Reinstalling Windows]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=174 60: Cell Phone Internet]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=172 59: Digital Camera Workflow]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=170 58: Firefox 3]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=167 57: Windows DVD Maker]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=164 56: iPod Backup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=161 55: Mobile Computing]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=159 54: eBay]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=157 53: Speeding up Startup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=154 52: Net Neutrality]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=127 51: Podcasting]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=125 50: Taking a Break]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=120 49: TiVo]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=117 48: OLPC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=115 47: PayPal Security Key]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=113 46: Bookmooch]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=108 45: FiOS]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=109 44: Backup]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=106 43: Bluetooth]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=105 41: PayPal]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=104 40: DS vs PSP]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=103 39: Free Software]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=96 38: Mac]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=89 37: Burning ISOs]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=88 36: Facebook]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=87 35: Wii]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=86 34: File Zipping]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=85 33: Portable Apps]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=84 32: Web Hosting]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=83 31: Flickr]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=82 30: Haverford Township Day 2008]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=81 29: File and Printer Sharing]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=80 28: Truecrypt]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=79 27: Notebook Cards]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=78 26: Words: The Latin Dictionary]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=77 25: Behind the Scenes]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=76 24: Windows Movie Maker]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=75 23: Wikipedia Reliability]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=74 22: Firefox Add-Ons]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=72 21: Computer Storage]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=70 20: War Walking]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=69 19: Wifi]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=68 18: CollegeBoard.com Tools]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=71 17: Audacity]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=67 16: RSS]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=66 15: Destroying Stuff!]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=53 14: Ubuntu]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 13: Google Docs and Spreadsheets]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 12: Microsoft Office 2007]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 11: Windows Vista]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=49 10: LAN Party]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=48 9: MLA Formatting]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=39 8: TI-83+ on your Computer]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=37 7: Security Tips]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=37 6: YouTube on your iPod]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=36 5: Upgrading a PC]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=26 4: PowerSchool]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=25 3: Skype]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=24 2: Legal Music Downloading]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=22 1: Firefox]
*[http://911.tecker.net/?p=54 Mac, PC, Linux Ad]
*''[[Tecker 911|Article]]''
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Latest revision as of 07:31, 25 August 2013


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