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[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 2/5/2012 IAP Personal Update
[[Image:Nuvola apps important.png|25px|left]] 8/25/2013 Yahoo APM!
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==Yahoo APM==
[[File:Marissa and Michael.jpg|thumb|Me with Marissa Mayer]]
[[File:Yahoo APMs 13.jpg|thumb|The 2013 Yahoo APMs]]
I am about 1 month into my new job at [[Yahoo]] as an Associate Product Manager or [[APM]].  After I finished classes at MIT, but before I was set to start at Oracle, Yahoo offered me to join Marissa Mayer's new APM program at Yahoo.  Marissa started the program back when she had just joined Google - as a way to find and develop new Product Managers out of school, which she thought would be faster than hiring experienced PMs from the industry.  This article describes the role http://www.wired.com/business/2012/07/marissas-secret-weapon-for-recruiting-new-yahoo-talent/ though that article overblows things slightly.
I’m super happy where I am at.  This is the type of job I was aiming for throughout MIT; I think I was well-prepared by MIT; and I think .Yahoo is also in a very interesting state at the moment.  They are rapidly redoing everything.  This makes new grads are handed large chunks of the product to manage, because they are so understaffed for what the need is.  In addition, they are in the midst of a huge culture change.  They are replacing their cube farms with open desks.  They are rebuilding teams, which were previously laid off.  It’s very interesting to work with people on either side of the culture change and to experience the before-and-after at the same time.
I’m in charge of designing the platform Yahoo uses to know where you are, and I help designing the membership, accounts, and security features of Yahoo.  The work is very similar to what I did at MIT – brainstorming solutions, designing schemes, working with other stakeholders to refine plans and achieve consensus. 
Classes start in only a few daysLet me give you an update about the semester past, my break, IAP, and the semester ahead.
As an APM, I’m part of Yahoo’s inner circle – giving it the feel of a small companyMy experience working with administrators at MIT prepared me very well for working with the executives at Yahoo.  It's probably the best business/leadership/PM experience possible in the world for someone just out of school.  I think it's rivals management consulting in terms of business experience - since you're directly responsible for something, but still involved at a high level.  I think one learns by doing and by being exposed to stuff.  The greater scope and responsibility one has, the more one learns, I believe.
====Last Semester====
==Mountain View==
[[File:Papers Fall 2012.JPG|thumb|Fall 2012 Paper.  22.5 in.  12.5 reams.]]
[[File:Mountain View Home.jpg|thumb|Mountain View Home]]
Last semester was my best semester yet.  I ended up with a 4.6/5.0 term GPA, despite taking the most units ever - 81 vs 79 last term.  I got an A in [[6.005]], [[15.387]], [[15.665]], and [[STS.011]].  I got a A- in [[6.034]] and a B in [[6.004]] (just barely)I continued to struggle in math, squeaking by [[18.03]] with a C-.  I went through 12.5 reams of paper - producing a 22.5 in stack, versus 19 inches Spring 2011 and 16 inches in Fall 2010.  The typed and scanned notes from these class are now online.
[[File:Chevy Volt.jpg|thumb|Chevy Volt]]
I'm settled into my new place in [[Mountain View]]. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634601732288/ Photos] I'm sharing a house with 2 other guys, who were friends of friends.  I've purchased a [[Chevy Volt]].  [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634595577805/ Photos] It goes 40 miles in a charge, but after that it can use gasIn almost 2 months, I haven't gone to the gas station once!
====Working out a System====
I'm meeting a lot of new people here.  Everyone seems to be a friend of a friend at least, and about 20-30% have heard of me before! That's kinda scarey!
Last term I recorded all of the policy and procedures that I have created to allow me to be as productive as I can be.  I wrote down my time management, paper shuffling, studying, sleep, and food tips in [[Working out a System]]. I also [[Kanban Proposal|proposed a "kanban" system]] which would help me and other students stay organized.
====High School Papers====
==Leaving MIT==
Over break I scanned many papers from [[Haverford High School|high school]].  I scanned the papers I has remaining from [[10th Grade|10th]] and [[11th Grade|11th grade]].  These were the papers that had gotten wet in the floodAbout 40% of each year got soaked.  Luckily these were the years I had already scanned.  I also scanned [[9th Grade|9th grade]] files.  Previously, I had added computer files, but no scanned files from 9th grade.  10th and 11th Grade had scanned papers - but most were scanned at pretty bad qualityThe old files continue to be spread across image files.  The new files continue to be large PDFs from my [[ScanSnap S1500]].  Unfortunately Scribd does not process files over 100MB, so you have to download the entire PDF.  Look for the link under the Scribd preview.
I had my best semester ever, my last semester at MIT.  I had 5 As and one B-.  I was literally 10 points away from a 5.0!
I believe I forgot to mention in my last update that I added files from middle school.  [[7th Grade|7th]] and [[8th Grade|8th grade]] now have typed assignments.  I still need to scan my notes from thenHopefully my basement does not flood again before that!
[[File:Pens MIT Spring 2013.jpg|thumb|Pens|200px]]
[[File:Paper MIT Spring 2013.jpg|thumb|Paper|200px]]
This semester I used 32 inches of paper, as well as 31 pensHere is a chart of usage over time:
[[File:Pens and Paper Usage.png]]
I went to Chicago with Melanie the first week in January.  Check out my photos from [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/collections/72157628771000133/ the trip].  I went to [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770534935/ the Planetarium], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770579135/ the Aquarium], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770599837/ the Field Museum], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770706285/ the Chicago Theater], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770737093/ the Willis Tower], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770843063/ a Bus tour], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770919349/ the Museum of Science], and [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157628770952311/ the University of Chicago].
I wrote up two white papers on MIT Policy.  [[A Framework for Community Engagement]] is a refinement of the community engagement process which administrators currently follow. [[Problem Solving Teams]] proposes having students work as "management consultants" on the Institute’s biggest problemsThis joins [[Unrelenting Advocacy]], about how stundets should act like lobbyists and consultantsThis rounds up my [MIT Policy White Papers] series.
Over IAP, I worked at [[Altman Vilandrie & Company]] as an analyst extern.  I worked for 3 weeks on a data center due diligence. The last week I worked on the hospitality strategy for a major cable/satellite providerI enjoyed the second project much more.   
I am already noticing changes of how I look at a situation.  For example at a [[HDC]] meeting last Wednesday, I felt like I was thinking more objectively about how to solve a problem. I thought about building an Excel model to solve a particular problem. I am also more confident with best practicesThis was my first job truly in the "big leagues."  I also feel like I am thinking more clearly.  For example, I am noticing that I often start with a topic sentence that overviews the detail points and then I dive deeper into each of the pointsPerhaps I always did that, but I seem to be more aware of it now.
[[File:MIT Graduation.jpg|thumb|MIT Graduation]]
Graduation was a super rainy affair - it was pretty miserable. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/theplaz/sets/72157634578617238/ Photos] However, I'm happy to say that I've now graduatedIt was sad to leave all of the stuff I really liked about MIT behind.
My favorite part of the job was piecing the parts of the puzzle together.  You're like a detective - always learning more information.  And with consulting the whole puzzle starts fresh every month or two.  I liked conducting the interviews and discussing the case with my coworkersOn the flip side, consultants are very aware about little issues - like how much to contact someone or phrase things. After seeing it, I think it does help in appearing professional and getting work done, but it is just something to learn.  I think I certainly learned and got better at that as the job went on, but it irked meIt's just not my current personality.
I used the time I was off (3 weeks at MIT, 3 weeks at home, and 3 weeks in CA) to get organized and clean up my stuff.  I emptied some boxes I hadn’t touched in years.  I scanned more paperHowever, I have still not managed to post my MIT stuff or more from the archives.
I'm not sure what job I want to do after school.  I still need to figure out where my competitive advantage is.  So far I have tried coding, consulting, and next summer I will try product management again.
==Personal Style==
I also spent some time to reflect on my [[Personal Style]].  I spent several months iterating on this - and it ended up being quite lengthy! I wanted to record this, because I know with will update over time, and I wanted to make a record of it.  I think it's also helpful for people to know how I approach problem solving.
--[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] ([[User talk:ThePlaz|talk]]) 02:55, 25 August 2013 (EDT)
As I talked about in my last update, I have accepted a position at [[Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online]] next summer.  Parks and Resorts Online is the internet sales and marketing channel for the Disney parks, cruise ships, and guided tour businesses.  I'm excited to get to work as a product manager.  This has historically (ie. before [[MIT]]) been my dream job - so I will see what it is actually like.  I ended up doing something similar at [[Deutsche Bahn]] on [[Touch&Travel]]. 
I'm particular exited to get to work so close with [[Imagineering]] - which is the high temple of theme park design. As a kid I used to think a lot about experience design, floorplans, branding, etc to create an immersive experience.  Disney is known worldwide as the pinnacle of branding/experience design.  In [[Haverford Middle School|middle school]], I was involved in [[theater]].  After going to MIT and doing management consulting, I want to reinvigorate that creative spirit.  Now, this is still a pretty much a "business job," but I hope to get to work with creative people.
Speaking of what I have done before, I have written or tuned up many pages on [http://theplaz.com ThePlaz.com] about things that I have done in the past.  I added pages or added content to pages about [[:Category:Place|places I have lived]], [[:Category:MIT_Committee|MIT committees]], [[theater]], and [[:Category:Sites|my websites]].
====Next Semester====
[[File:Spring 2012 Schedule.png|thumb|My Spring 2012 Schedule]]
I have planned out [[:File:Spring 2012 Schedule.png|a draft schedule for next semester]].  I have [[Classes to Graduate Spring 2012|18 classes left to graduate]].  I have I have to take [[18.06|18.06 Linear Algebra]] (it's about matrices); I'll probably do poorly on thatNext I'm taking [[6.006|6.006 Introduction to Algorithms]].  I am particularly interested in this class because most of the computer programmer interviews ask these sorts of questions.  I am also taking the required [[6.033|6.033 Computer System Engineering]].  I have no idea what that is about - but it's required.  I am also taking an AUS [[6.813|6.813 User Interface Design and Implementation]] because it fit into my schedule and it sound the most interesting.  On the management side I am taking [[15.571|15.571 Business Strategy and the Role of IT]], one of the classes for the Sloan IT concentration.  In addition, I've been interested in how IT can help big companies streamline while providing better service.  I am also hoping to take [[15.053|15.053 Optimization Methods in Management Science]].  I can't make the recitation, so this would be the first class I drop.  I am taking [[15.301|15.301 Managerial Psychology Laboratory]], a required, basic course 15 class that I have not managed to take yet.  Rounding it out, I am hoping to get into [[17.50|17.50 Introduction to Comparative Politics]] a HASS-D #4 class to fill the second of my 3 HASS D slots.
I am concerned that my schedule this semester is too heavy on math, which I have traditionally spent more time on.
That's all for now.  It's time to get geared up for the next semester.  --[[User:ThePlaz|ThePlaz]] 16:57, 5 February 2012 (EST)
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Latest revision as of 07:31, 25 August 2013


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